~Chapter 18~

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~May 7th 1978~

Dearest Lilypad,

I've had the baby and I would really appreciate it if you and James would get your asses over here this instant. I've got Remus over here so you'd better come quick. I've tried getting in touch with Peter but he's been off the radar for a while. He must be on an assignment or something. Well, send my love to Jamie, love you loads, 

Your bloody impatient best friend,


"Ah shit!" James and Lily Apparated into the sitting room of Sirius and Honey's home.

"Blimey, a baby!" He exclaimed once Honey came into view, cradling a small human in her arms.

"Yes, yes a baby," Honey sighed, "But would you keep it down, I just got her to sleep." She looked flustered and sleep deprived. Sirius appeared at her side and his eyes lit up at the sight of his bestfriend, "Prongs, I'm a father!" He whisper-yelled, hugging his best mate. "Nice one, Paddy. Lets drink to this!" James always made excuses to bring out his stash of firewhisky.

Lily sighed and went over to her best friend, "C'mon, lets sit down, I'll take her if you want." Honey gave the baby to her and the two sat down on the sofa.

"So what's her name?" Lily asked.

"Sirius wanted something long," Honey said, burying her face in some pillows, "But I said lets give her a bunch of middle names so we ended up on Leda Adrastea Dilara Honey Rosier-Black."

"Sounds like Sirius came up with that, I presume?" Honey nodded and chuckled to herself.

"You two alright?" Remus sat down beside Lily and offered the two a mug of tea, which they both took gratefully, "Your husbands are drinking in there, I thought we learnt not to trust those two alone with five bottle of firewhisky?"

"Accio firewhisky." Honey said lazily and five bottles came floating out of the kitchen followed by two men.

Honey disposed of the remaining liquid as Sirius sat on the floor in front of her and James scooped the baby up from Lily's arms. "I'm surprised you didn't call it James Junior." He thought aloud. "It?! James, honestly." Lily rolled her eyes. "Prongs, if it makes you feel better, I wouldn't have it anything else but after a nice hit in the back of the head I thought otherwise." Sirius laughed as Honey narrowed her eyes.

James settled himself into an armchair, "But who will be the godmother or godfather?" He asked. Honey, who was trying to block out the conversation, sat up and propped herself up on some pillows, "We've decided to name Nymphadora the godmother."

James's jaw dropped, "She's a child!"

"Well, she won't be much of a child when this one's older, will she? We just thought it might be nice fore her," Honey pressed on, "But we're naming Remus the Godfather as well, if that makes you feel better."

James sighed, knowing he wasn't going to win this argument. Honey fell back onto her pillows and slipped her hand into Sirius's. He kissed her hand and conversed with James and Lily.

"Are you alright?" Remus asked her, no one noticing. She shrugged, "Worried."

"About what?" 

"Peter." She whispered so no one else could hear, "He hasn't contacted any of us and I'm starting to think he's. Well. Gone over."

Remus nodded slowly, "Listen Honey. We need more evidence before we go further, but I agree. Ever since your wedding I've had a feeling, but we need to prove it. Just give it some time, alright? You've just had a baby. Don't worry yourself too much." She nodded and closed her eyes, letting herself finally sleep.

~Three years later~

"I am very sorry to invite you all here on such short notice," Dumbledore began, "But there is something we must address."

The Order of the Phoenix were all squashed onto the dining table of Sirius and Honey's home. There was a an emergency meeting called by Dumbledore and they all rushed to the meeting place.

"Voldemort knows about a prophecy." He began, "A prophecy involving two families here today."

They all shared looks of worry, "The Longbottoms and the Potters." There were gasps and mutters shared around the table. "But why?" Honey asked, grasped Lily's hand from under the table.

"A child born in late July was prophesized to defeat the Dark Lord," He said gravely, "But it did not say which one, so we must therefore hide Alice, Frank and their son, Neville, along with Lily, James and Harry. Firstly, you must choose who your secret keeper must be."

Alice and Frank spoke for a moment, then Marlene McKinnon spoke up, "I'll be their secret keeper, Professor." Alice hugged her bestfriend as she got up.

"And the Potters?" He asked.

"We want Sirius." James said. Dumbledore didn't look too happy about this, "I think that to be a rather obvious choice, James, I recommend someone less. Noticeable. How about Mr Pettigrew?" Peter looked up from the bag of sweets he was eating, "Sure." James shrugged, "Thanks, mate." Peter scurried over to where Marlene stood. Honey opened her mouth to protest but she caught Remus's eye from across the table and closed it.

"Well now that is sorted, please be safe and on your guard," Dumbledore smiled at everyone around the table. Once he had left, everyone else who was there began to Apparate away too. Honey hugged Alice and Marlene before they left, then she turned to Lily and James, who looked completely distraught.

"It'll all be fine." She said, hugging Lily who seemed to be completely lost for words, "It'll end very soon and then we can bring our children up in a safer world." She could hear Lily sob silently into her shoulder. The two went up stairs and into the Nursery where Harry and Leda were. Lily scooped up baby Harry and rocked him in her arms, humming softly as she did so. James, Sirius and Remus appeared at the doorway, looking grave.

"Lily, my love," James began, "We leave today." Lily merely nodded, but carried on humming to baby Harry, who laughed lightly. Lily gave the baby to Sirius who took his place in an armchair whilst James picked up Leda and sat down on the floor with her. The two girls left the room and Remus sat down in between his bestfriends.

"I never thought I'd ever see you two like this." He chuckled, "One baby each and having the time of your lives."

"Neither did I, Mooney, neither did I." James chuckled, tickling Leda under the chin, causing her to fall into fit of giggles. She had grown a decent amount of hair by then, black like Sirius, but her eyes were like her mother's, soft olive green...

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