~Chapter 4~

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Not much sunlight came through the windows of the 7th year Slytherin Girls Dorm rooms, but Honey made the most of it. Her roommates (Ivy Grayson, Mavis Avery, Diana Xavier, Thea Philip) were a bunch of snobbish, cocky brats, meaning that Honey never got along with them. And she never woke them up. Most classes they had in the mornings, they would be marked as late, which gave Honey some little joy in this miserable house she had been placed in.

She quickly glanced down at the common room below, then, when she noticed no one was there, she lifted a leg over the banister and slid down it, her satchel hanging dangerously from her shoulder. She got off and turned to meet the gaze of Severus Snape, who was looking at her curiously. She didn't want to engage in conversation so she slid out the common room.

She stood awkwardly near the entrance of the mostly empty Great Hall, waiting nervously for her friends. 

"Sorry-we're-late," Remus panted, "James was trying to kiss Lily good morning, and she slapped him across the face."

"Sounds like our Jamie," She chuckled, catching sight of Sirius and James sprinting down the corridor, towards the Great Hall, skidding to a halt just at the threshold of the door.

"So what are we doing today?" Honey asked as she helped her self to some marmalade and toast.

"Lets see," Remus said, opening his timetable, "We have Transfiguration first thing, then me and Honey have Alchemy, you boys have divination ("I hate that shit, why'd we have to put that on our lists? James asked.), then we have potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Defense against the dark arts and we have one free period at the end of the day."

"Cool, what should we do?" Peter asked eagerly.

"Steal food from the kitchens."

"Laze around in the courtyard."

"Hex Snape."

"Get Lily to go out with me."

"Sneak into Hogsmeade."

"Burn down the Slytherin common room." Honey smiled thoughtfully.

"Hell yea." Sirius grinned, giving her a high five.

"Sounds fun, but I'm gonna have to pass." Remus laughed, "Lets steal food and laze in the courtyard, seems like the safest options."

"Maybe we could convince Lily to come," Sirius glanced in Honey's direction, winking furiously.

"Maybe," She said, "But Sirius, please stop, you cant wink at all, it looks like you fucked up your eye, mate."

James was swooned at the mention of Lily's name, much to the Marauders dismay. He never gave up on that girl, no matter what, it was annoying. But his hopeless pining after this redhead was in some ways entertaining, and more recently, the redhead was returning his feelings, in small ways that always pleased the happy-go-lucky James.


Sirius and James came running quickly through to the courtyard where Remus and Peter were waiting, their arms full of delicious pastries and delectable sweets.

"Where's Honey?" Sirius asked, concerned.

"OoOOooO," James cooed, "Someone's worried."

"Shut up, Prongs." Sirius elbowed him in the stomach whilst his cheeks went a bit pink.


"You know, Paddy," Remus said, not looking up from the book he was absorbed in, "I saw you help Honey onto the train at the beginning of the year." He put emphasis on help.

"Oh really." Sirius said, trying to hide his reddening cheeks.

"Mooney," James said sincerely, "I don't think I would call picking the girl of your dreams up from the waist 'help'."

"Shit." Sirius fell back into the grass whilst Remus and James laughed.

"Just admit it," James smiled at his bestfriend, "You like Honey Rosier."

Sirius lay, contemplating whether to answer or not. He really did like her. And he would feel a bit guilty for lying to his friends.

At that moment, he saw two figures bounding out from the castle. One stopped next to him, peering down at him.

"Hello, Hello?" Honey waved her hand in front of Sirius's face. "Is he alive?" She looked to her friends who were still hysterically laughing. "Ugh you boys are no help." She reached down and kissed Sirius on the forehead.

 "That best wake him up." She  said, clearly pissed off. Remus and James were pissing themselves harder now, knowing that Sirius was definitely awake. He sat up and smirked at Honey.

"I hate you so much."

"No you, love me really."


"Why'd you do that?" Lily asked as she walked with Honey.

"Do what?"

"Kiss Black."

Honey stood for a minute. "I don't know." She shrugged. "Well, there must be a reason." Lily pondered.

"Maybe," Honey felt her cheeks heat up, "Well see you at dinner, I've got to get a book from the library." She turned to run but instead she ran down the hallway, taking a sharp turn straight into a wall. Lily saw her stumble backwards apologizing to a portrait she had just disturbed before running the other direction, towards the library. Lily chuckled to herself.

"James is right for once, she really does love him." She smiled.

"Sorry, can I here that again." James had appeared out of nowhere, slinging an arm around Lily's shoulder. Much to his surprise, she did not pull away. She instead turned to look at him. James felt his heart beat harder.

"I said," She whispered, "James was right for once." And with that she leant in and kissed him, pulling him closer by the end of his tie.

"I love you, Lily Evans," He breathed, once they finally pulled apart. "I love you too, James Potter." The walked back up to Gryffindor tower, hand in hand, finally together. Something Sirius wont shut up about for days.


Honey sat with her feet on the table seeming very absorbed in the book she was reading. There were numerous stacks of books she piled around herself in the attempt to avoid conversation. She did this pretty much any time she came to the library and it worked every time. except for this fateful day. She say the top of someone's head brush past the pile of books. They seemed to be looking for something. Or someone. The head then turned around and met her eyes. Remus.

"Honey?" He asked.

"Who's Honey?" She hid her face in her book. Remus smiled to himself and pulled up a chair to the table. "May I?" She nodded. Remus glanced over to Honey who was reading some muggle book. "Romeo and Juliet." He read, "What's it about?"

Honey look up over her book, "Two star crossed lovers, fated to death." She said.

"Sounds a bit like Lily and James." He chuckled, "Except for the death bit though. Instead they were fated to make love for an hour in Gryffindor tower."

"Your kidding?" She laughed, "Aren't you?" Remus shook his head, "Nope, really, they came back into Common Room, hand in hand, heading straight to the boys dorms." Honey raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like somethin Black'll be interested in."

"Oh, he's already making wedding plans."

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