~Chapter 16~

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A year had passed since the Marauders had left school. It was -exhilarating- to say the least. None of them had anticipated the amount of work that would go into their new-found profession. Lily and James got married pretty much straight away after their graduation but never went into full detail about their reasons to marry so young. It was always, 'No time like the present.' (James would always smirk at Lily after saying it) or 'What would you do if there was a war?' Honey completely lost it when James said it to her and shouted at him, "I'D BE OUT FIGHTING, YOU IDIOT!" But she understood what it meant to them to be together. They didn't want to be apart...

Three heavy knocks rang through the house, "Who could that be at this hour?" Honey got up from the table where she and Lily were sat. The person knocking was on the verge of breaking the door down so she sprinted. Outside, rain pelted the windows and clouds clogged up the sky. 

"OPEN THE BLOODY UP!" It was James. She wrenched open the door, letting him in. He fell through the threshold, supporting someone.

"Help me, would you?" James was struggling under the weight of Sirius. Lily came hurrying into the room as she Honey grabbed him under the legs and helped set him on the sofa. Blood was seeping into his clothes from his side.

"What happened?" Honey ripped off Sirius's shirt and was trying to stop the bleeding.

"Someone tried hitting him with a killing curse but missed," James panted, "Then tried finishing him off the good old fashioned way. Threw the knife straight to his heart. Luckily he turned and it only hit him in the side."

"Lily, go get my wand," She said, "James get a bucket of water, a fresh cloth and bandages. They're in the top cupboard." She added. 

His body was unmoving and the blood was hard to stop, "Please stay with me Sirius, please." She held in tears, her hands were covered in blood.

"Here." Lily passed her wand. "Episkey." She whispered. The wound closed up slightly, but blood didn't stop flowing from it. "I've got it." James came into the room and passed her the dripping cloth in.

"Thanks," She smiled weakly, "Go dry off." James was drenched from head to toe in rain. He nodded and left the room. Lily felt Sirius's neck with her index finger, "That's a pulse." Honey let out a sigh of relief. She passed Honey the bandages that James had left. She slipped her hand under him and bound him in them then pointed her wand at him and muttered, "Rennervate." His eyes opened a crack but his body remained unmoving. Lily got up,

"I'll talk to James." And she left.

"Sweetness." He whispered, the stupid name he gave her at the beginning of their seventh year was still lived on.

"You could've died." She sobbed, not meeting his eyes. His hand moved to her cheek, wiping away a tear, "I'm sorry."

"You're so careless," She half-laughed half-cried, "I don't want to lose you Sirius. I love you so much. Don't you think I've lost enough already?" Her hand closed around his, her eyes finally meeting his. He pressed his lips to her forehead and stroked her hair out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Honey, I know I'm stupid and reckless," He lowered his gaze so as not to look her in the eye, "I know I don't think, you can't blame me after all those years with James. You get the knack for thinking on your feet after a while... Maybe we could get married, that would be nice..."

He trailed off in thought, "Are you asking me to marry you?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe, if you want me to..." He smirked, "But if I am, I'll do it on one knee, properly."

"Sirius, I can't ask you to do that, look at you." She gestured to his injury.

"Nope," He shook his head and got up slowly, wincing slightly, "You're a special girl Honey, and you deserve it." She blushed furiously.

"Sirius, please you don't have to." She pleaded as he knelt on one knee. "Hey, what's the commotion-" James and Lily had entered the scene of the two lovers, one kneeling, one completely red, from head to toe.

"Would you," He pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket, "Honey Eloise Rosier be my wife?" 

"Why not?" She laughed as he pulled her into a kiss.

Suddenly, the door crashed open and Remus and Peter fell through, "We heard Sirius-" The two stopped in their tracks at the sight of the gleeful couple. They pulled apart once they noticed their friends.

"Nice." James and Peter grinned stupidly, Lily was positively beaming and Remus was completely lost for words.

Sirius cracked open the box he was clutching and produced a beautiful, intricately designed ring. He slid it onto Honey's ring-finger and smiled happily. "How comes you kept this ring on you all the time?" She asked him.

"Just in case." He smiled.

Sweetness// Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now