Chapter 5

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He was laughing at my awkward reaction to facing the "danger". I don't know what he thought about me, but if it was someone really dangerous, maybe they would have laughed at me too.

—Hello...— I whispered as I went from behind my hiding place.

—I saw you coming in this direction and I worried that you could find any wild animal. It's said that around here there are wild boars and snakes— he put on a scary voice as he kept sneering.

As I heard the word "snake", I jumped and grabbed his arm instinctively. I know! You would believe it is a cliche: the typical scared girl who grabs the handsome guy's arm. But if you were as scared as I am of snakes, you would understand me. There was nothing, absolutely NOTHING in the world that gave me more disgust, fear, and dread than a snake, and I hoped not to have to face any at that moment.

When I was little, in my aunt's country house I saw a snake eating a rabbit that I had as a pet for months. I cried for my bunny for an entire week. It was such a disgusting experience that I never wanted to see a snake again.

—You should be careful and not walk alone around here.

—Fine, let's go back to the hostel...— I said nervously as I walked down the mountain. 

—What a beautiful sunset...— he answered looking into the infinity. He didn't seem like walking down with me and thinking about snakes, so I decided that it was cautious to stay with him.

I stood by his side, looking at the floor when his eyes caught my attention. Being under the orange light of the sun, they seemed honey-colored. They looked even more impressive than before. her brown hair, messy from the breeze, caressed his forehead. His jaw was set, and it gave him a more adult aura, despite the sweetness of his features. Suddenly he looked at me and smiled.

—By the way, what do you want to talk to me about?

For a moment I was blank. Did I want to talk to him? Sure! how could I have forgotten?

—Ah, yes...sure, talk...

I locked my hands into my pockets while I tried to find the adequate words. The expectation in his look made me a little nervous, and that made me even more nervous. Why a common guy I didn't know could make me so nervous? He wasn't more than a normal human! Dammit.

—So?— he insisted.

—See... I wanted to ask you what kind of relationship you have with Rut...

In the beginning, he seemed taken aback by the subject, but then he smiled.
—Do you want to know about something specific? 

—For a friend of mine.

—You say a friend?— he frowned. Seemed like he was misinterpreting what I was trying to say and I had no idea of how to explain it without mentioning Elisabet. Since when was I so reserved? I was never anything but shy, rather I said what was going through my head.

—Yes... she is... she... she likes you a lot and every time she sees you with Rut, doesn't like it- Jeez, I looked like the eloquence queen. I looked down, uncomfortable at his intense gaze. I wanted to run away and of course, my nerves did not go unnoticed.

—And who is your friend?— he asked standing in front of me and looking for my fleeting gaze. Damn. This was already too much.

-Nevermind. Forget it— I blurted as I turned around and started walking down the mountain. I didn't give a damn about all the snakes in the world. Isaac was about to make me crazy.

—Wait, Rebeca!— I heard Isaac calling me, but I speeded my walk. For his own sake... He was too perfect for me and deserved something better than me. Then I felt a cold sweat run down my chest. Did I really consider that at some point? Him and I?

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