Chapter 7

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We got back to the hostel and people were already starting to line up at the entrance doors to the common room so they could sit next to their friends. Again I looked for Sarah among that great sea of moving heads. I had a lot to tell her, a lot to ask. Where the hell had she been?

─Come─ Jacob told me, grabbing my hand to guide me and not get lost. -I found your friends- he pointed to Rut and the others, who had already taken their places.

─They're not my friends─ I replied coldly, letting go of his hand and immediately turning around so they wouldn't see me.

─Ah... I'm sorry.

─Rebeca!— I heard Elisabet's voice and I turned around. She threw herself into my arms as if we hadn't seen each other in like a century.

─You okay?─ I felt worried.

─Yes, perfectly─ she said with a mischievous smile.

Behind her came Isaac, smiling as always. Why was he so perfect? No. Perfect guys don't exist. Actually, what I meant was why I couldn't hide that I didn't see any flaws in him?

─Hi, Rebeca─ he said standing by me.

─Mo-morning...─ I whispered. I kept glancing at the people around us, very focused on my search for Sarah.

─Looking for your friend again?─ he asked, looking with me.

─Yes. I haven't been able to find her since we arrived─ I admitted, lowering my eyes. What the hell was I doing? Had I made a fool of me? Why was I acting like I was shy?

─Come on, Rebeca, let's sit down─ Jacob urged me ─The talk is about to start.

─Okay, let's go.

I looked at Isaac with a frown, as if I was waiting for him to come with us, or better, to stop me and take me with him away from this talk, but that didn't happen. I followed Jacob and he stood there looking at us. I waved my hand goodbye and he followed suit. Then I turned around and didn't look back again. Disappointed? No... well, maybe a little, yes. But it was best not to stir up too much whatever it was that seemed to be growing in me. It was convenient.

Elisabet had followed me, and grabbed my arm.

─Ay, Rebeca!─ she sighed.

─What happens?─ I asked reluctantly, figuring she was going to tell me about Isaac again.

─We're finally alone and I'll be able to tell you how it went─ she whispered excitedly, trying to avoid being heard by Jacob, who had already found a place for the three of us ─I've been talking to Isaac all morning.

─What about Rut? She was her partner, right? 

─Yes, but I ran into him while she was in the bathroom and we took the opportunity to discreetly disappear─ She laughed mischievously ─I imagine she'll be quite upset.

─Yes, she must have spit fire out of her mouth and stuff— we laughed ─and what happened?


Suddenly, Paco, the organizer of the FSY stood up in front of all the young people and started talking, interrupting Elisabet.

<<Here I am going to explain a few things. First things first: What is an FSY? Some of you may already know that they are the initials of the phrase in English For the Strength of Youth, or what is the same: for the strength of youth, like the manual. Activities and classes have been prepared, which, as the phrase says, are special for your strength; for you. Not for me, nor for the advisers who accompany you, so we hope you know how to get the most out of it. We beg you not to miss any. Don't lock yourself in your rooms—I wasn't totally sure I could do that—, don't get lost in the woods looking for grandma's house either, because you won't find it—the people laughed—, in any case, a wolf may appear ferocious...—the laughter intensified.

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