Chapter 9

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I also came down from the mountain, but this time, I felt like I was on a cloud. I walked slowly, thinking about everything I had talked about with him, and that was just an innocent kiss on my cheek. It was not the first time he had given me, much less the first time I had kissed someone, but I had never experienced such a strong feeling in my chest. It was something completely different. Something special. As if a great ball of fire was burning me from within, stirring all my emotions and making me want more and more. I passed my hands over my face, trying to regain control over myself, I took a deep breath and let it out vehemently.

─Control, Becky!─ I muttered to myself as I patted my cheeks.

When I arrived at the shelter, I noticed that groups were forming to continue with more classes. Maybe under normal circumstances, I would have been upset to interrupt my talk with Isaac to go back to those classes, but the bubble I was in prevented me from thinking about the negativity that I had imposed on myself when I got there. A stupid smile appeared on my lips, while my head, slightly tilted, remembered his closeness, his words, his voice, his eyes... Ah, his eyes... I sighed and I let out a giggle.

Elizabet saw me arrive and, smiling, raised her hand to get my attention.

─Rebeca!─ she yelled ─Let's go, they're waiting for us.

When I got to her side, my smile revealed to my little friend everything that was happening inside me. Looking into my eyes, she smiled.

─Are you guys already dating?─ she asked, opening her eyes wide. Her question produced a pleasant tingle in my chest but I pretended to be shocked.

─Nope! We barely know each other... though I hope that changes before I go home—bI finished the sentence with a sigh, to which Elisabet joined.

─You are going to make a lovely couple─ she said with a grin on her face.

─We'll talk about that later. Shall we go to class?─ I asked blushing just thinking of us being a "lovely couple".

The butterflies in my stomach prevented me from paying even a shred of attention during the following classes. I was sure they were talking about important things, but my head was far away. Very far.

It caught my attention to see Rut's friends, but she wasn't there. Where was she? In fact... Where was Isaac? For a moment I started to worry. What if we had gotten ourselves into a real mess as the little pecora had threatened? I didn't see that we had done anything wrong, in fact, it all seemed too pure and perfect... unless... That thought came to mind again. What if she had exaggerated what she had seen? I didn't know her well enough to be sure, but from what little I knew about her, it wouldn't seem strange to me. Would we really be in trouble?

When the last class was over, Judit stepped into the middle of the company to give us some additional instructions.

─Well, guys, thanks to the leaders who have dedicated time to prepare these very uplifting classes for us. Next, we will go to the dining room. You have a couple of hours to eat and at half-past four we'll meet right here. Let's start preparing the talents for the variety show. Those who don't plan to participate can go with David, he'll prepare the musical program. Enjoy it!

As soon as the meeting was over, David came to meet me. His expression was serious and that didn't bode well.

─What's going on?─ I asked pretending to be clueless. I assumed it had to do with Rut and her threat, but his face looked too serious. Had something else happened that I didn't know?

─Paco wants to talk to you─ he frowned,worried and I swallowed hard. Maybe something had happened to my family? —Follow me. I'll take you there.

As walking behind David in silence, I absently watched his neck. For some reason I felt that something bad was stalking me and, despite my inner voice trying to warn me about the reasons, I silenced it, telling myself that Rut couldn't be so twisted. After all, she was a member of the church and she couldn't lie... I guess I was naive. That was something I learned that day. The members of the church are not the church, and although the church was perfect, the members are human and we make mistakes, whether on purpose or not.

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