Chapter 13

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After the bittersweetest meal I had enjoyed since arriving at FSY, without Rut haunting as a hungry fly around us, but with the strange taste of rejection in my mouth, we went to a classroom with other youth practicing their talents.

What if I hadn't been an inactive sinner and would have attended with a better attitude? Probably I would've written a song and asked Sarah to sing it with me. But no. Before knowing, I had rejected a world as valid as any other. That most people do things a certain way, doesn't mean it's the only right one.

─I think we can stay here─ he said taking his violin out of the case.

─So that's the big secret instrument that you're playing?─ I pretended to ask as a mockery.

─Not a secret! I said it was a surprise, but if you don't like it...

─Of course, I like it! I love violins

─In fact, it is a viola─ he started to adjust the strings to be sure and looked at me searching the typical reaction he must have seen in other faces before me, wondering the questions I didn't formulate ─It's basically the same, but the viola is bigger with a sound more low-pitched and sweet.

─Oh, I get it─ yet, for me, it was still the same. Who came up with the idea of a new name because it was bigger? Wasn't it better to just call it "big violin"?

Then he handed me an open notebook. It was a sheet music book. I read the song's title but didn't recognize it.

Homeward Bound?

─You don't know it?

─I don't think so. I don't recall the title.

─It's a song that nowadays holds a special meaning for me─ he pulled a rope that made a guitar-like sound.

─You're singing too?

─No... I'm still learning. I cannot concentrate on singing at the same time. But one day.

─I'd love to hear you.

─I'd love you to hear me─ he said with his look still on his viola.

Sure I wasn't an expert on Mormon boys, but... that was flirting, wasn't it? He friend-zoned me first and then flirted. Because it was what it was, right? Or it was me and my desires driving me crazy?

I was startled when an intense silence of two seconds was interrupted by the laughter of a group of young girls who were preparing a dance. The way they moved, it looked like a Hawaiian dance. They were having a good time.

─Anyway. Do you mind holding the sheet music for me?─ he said, extending the notebook at the height of his face so that I could hold it there ─When I make a gesture, you turn the page, okay?

I nodded, believing myself prepared for such a simple mission. There really wasn't much to do. I just had to hold the papers and pay attention to the signal to turn the page. Simple, right? Well, no! It wasn't easy at all.

To begin with, the sweet melody that came out of that instrument left me enthralled from the first second. It was as if a blanket of peace had fallen on me... but it disappeared the moment I saw him smile and wink at me. My cheeks turned red and I looked in another direction. He stopped playing and cleared his throat.

─Ehm... Rebeca, that was the gesture...─ he answered, shy.

─Oh, I'm sorry. I got distracted.

I quickly turned the page and raised the sheetbook again until it covered my face. I didn't want him to see the blush it had caused me, both my mistake and his smile. Rebecca idiot.

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