Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes slowly and the first thing I saw was the shabby lamp hanging from the ceiling of the room I shared with Elisabet. How or when had I gotten there?

My head hurt and as I tried to sit up to look around, I felt like the room spinning. No. I didn't feel well. I fell back onto the fluffy pillow and groaned.

—Rebeca, thank goodness you're okay!— Sarah's voice sounded agitated. She seemed worried. What had happened? She came over with a bottle of water in her hand and offered it to me. —The FSY doctor says you have to hydrate well.

—What happened?— I asked. My mouth was pasty, so I grabbed the one-and-a-half-liter bottle that Sarah handed me and drank almost half of it without stopping to breathe. That was like it relieved my discomfort a little, but only the physical part. The memory of what had led me to that situation came back to my mind and if I had any tears left to shed, I would have continued crying.

"You're too easy for him." "You are not what he is looking for" "He prefers them worthy..."

—You got sunstroke— Sarah explained, cutting off my self-destructive thoughts —Have you been in the mountains since you left? More than four hours have passed! You could have at least put yourself under shade.

—I was checking to see if I could see God's finger or something— I joked, but my voice was so hoarse and my laugh so forced that instead of laughing with me, Sarah frowned.

— They are calling your parents. Probably sending you home — she finally said.

If you had told me that a few days ago, I would have cried with happiness. If you had told me a few hours ago, I would have cried bitterly... but how was I feeling at that moment? I didn't know. Did I want to leave? Did I want to leave everything I had found there? The cretin part of me did want it. I wanted to send everything and everyone to hell and have the life I had a week ago. But not. It was no longer that Rebeca. Nothing in my world would ever be the same, whether Isaac was a part of my life or not. I had felt things that were impossible to deny. Things that until that moment I had thought only existed in the stories they made up in the seminar manuals to emphasize the messages they were sharing... It was real. And I couldn't deny it because I had felt it as clear as the headache that was hammering me at that moment. And now God wanted to show me what I could have had if I hadn't been a bad daughter, and then take it away before I could even taste it. And I knew I deserved it. That's why I was willing to accept without question.

—You'll be happy, considering you didn't even want to come— she continued, ignorant of my transcendental internal debate.

I didn't answer, just took another drink from the bottle, pretending that nothing mattered to me. After all, I was good at pretending. Even more, everyone was great at judging me and believing that I was like that and that nothing mattered to me. Maybe I should agree with them and act indifferently...

—It's a shame— she sighed —But you should go thank Isaac before leaving

I raised an eyebrow in question. I was too tired to try to figure out the reason why I should thank Isaac.

—He is the one who carried you down the mountain and then climbed the five floors with you in his arms to here— she explained.

—Isaac? —The truth was that I didn't expect it. For a moment I had considered that perhaps I had been abducted by the aliens and returned to the room after they had experimented on my body for hours.

-Yeah. You're fortunate. Not seeing you in the group, he decided to stay to look for you. The rest of us went to the orphanage to deliver the blankets and toys, so I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't found you. Maybe you would have been eaten by a wild boar or something." Sarah laughed, but I wasn't that amused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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