Chapter 6

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Tuesday: Day 2

 I was enjoying a more-than-sweet dream when the screaming noise of Elisabet's alarm clock took me away from Isaac's arms. Wait. What the hell I was dreaming of? I opened my eyes and sat on my bed as if I had the bedsheets stuck on my back. 

 I mumbled some slurs and dragged myself out of my bed, in a bad mood. The day had begun too early. I turned the alarm off and wanted to kill Elisabet when I saw the time. Six a.m. couldn't be sane. 

 As I went to the toilet, almost crashed with her, she was kinda singing something. 

 —Hey! Good morning, sleepy beauty. Could have some rest?— asked with her smile, shining like the rising sun. 

—Is that a trick?— I mourned- How you wake up so rested? You don't even seem like you just woke up. 

—I'm used to getting up early. We have morning seminary in my ward at 6 a.m., normally. I wake up at 5:30. In fact, I'm waking up later—she laughed —But sometimes I also have a tired face. 

 I wasn't sure if I was more triggered by her smile at that hour or by the fact that she woke up tired just sometimes. 

 —Must get ready. At seven we have to go to the hall. There will be a devotional with other participants. 

—At seven? But there's still an hour left! 

—You know how it says... God helps those who get up early. Also, we have to read our scripts before we leave. I noticed the laziness taking my body. I went back to bed without a second thought. 

 —Come on, Becky. If you get up now, you won't have red eyes when we get there— she sat on my bed and ran her fingers through my hair. I grunted in annoyance and sat up. 

 —Ok, it's fine! But don't touch my hair again. 

 Elisabet laughed and went to get her scriptures. I didn't have anything special against someone touching my hair, but I felt such a rage for her endless enthusiasm and optimism, that anything would make me upset at that moment. 

 I opened my immaculate scriptures and started reading in first Nephi. "I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents..." A sec later I felt the letters playing "tag, you're it" all over the pages, and no matter how much I tried I didn't get my eyes open. What the hell? As it couldn't be otherwise, while Elisabet was reading, I fell asleep with the book opened on the same page. 

 —Becky! We are late— I heard that next. 

—It's been an hour? Impossible...— I whispered pretending I wasn't asleep and making appear Elisabet's grin. 

 We ran downstairs and got to the infamous hall, where everybody gathered was waiting for the first meeting of the day. there were so many people that only early risers got a chair. I had to recognize Elisabet. God helped the ones who got first giving them a chair. 

 Elisabet kept walking but I wanted to find Sarah. Felt overwhelmed by the sea of endless people. How I was supposed to find my friend there? Hadn't seen her since we got here and I had the thought that maybe she was hiding from me... Nop, too idiot, even for her. 

 —Hi— Isaac's voice interrupted my search. Couldn't believe it. Could it be even more cliche? I saw him smiling and I tried to hold my laugh 'cause I saw he did have his red eyes waiting to wake up until the very last moment. He wasn't an early raiser either. 

 —Good morning....— I started but, for some mysterious reason, the memories of my last night's dream went through my mind and I felt uncomfortable and looked away as my face burned red. 

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