Prank Wars

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It was another sunny morning at the Avengers compound, everyone was gathered around the kitchen table just having breakfast when Steve and Bucky walk in, they both look uncomfortable and are shying back and forth. Arianna looks at them as she takes a bite of her cereal and smiles broadly.

"Morning Boys" She pipes up "Something wrong?"

Steve shifts uncomfortably as he grabs some juice from the fridge "Who did laundry last? My clothes feel itchy"

"Mine too" Bucky chimes in as he tries not to scratch at his crotch.

"Oh, I think I did" Arianna says sweetly as she gets up as edges closer to the door "Come to think of it, I did lose one of my packets of itching powder recently. Oops"

Everyone breaks out into laughter as Steve and Bucky realize what Arianna is saying "You did what?" Bucky asks as he starts to get up

"Seriously?" Steve asks incredulously "Darn It, Ari!"

"Im going to kill you, Arianna" Bucky lunges forward. She laughs and blows them a kiss as she runs out the door. They boys hot on her heels.

Arianna makes it onto the roof, lifting her hands in front of her and turns to face the boys "Come on boys" She smiles sweetly "It was just a joke"

"Come here, sweetheart" Bucky says as he steps forward

"Ari, get away from the ledge" Steve says quietly

As they get closer, her smile spreads and she looks down, looking back up at the boys, tapping her wrist and salutes them as she jumps. Engaging the iron man suit she stole from Tony, Arianna shoots up into the sky and past the stunned faces of the two men on the roof.

After the boys had caught up to her and Steve managed to keep Bucky from throttling her, they had decide on a punishment for her, doing laundry for 2 months. There was just so much laundry, Arianna thought with despair and decided to device a new prank, this time she would get Clint. Arianna rigs some of Clints arrows to release glitter bombs during training...her bad luck was that Clint is training with Bucky that day!

Arianna looks on in horror as Clint releases several arrows that blow up in Buckys face unleashing an explosion of glitter everywhere. Clint looks over at Arianna and tucks his tongue in his cheek "Better run, Ari"

"Crap!" Ari exclaims as she takes off running through the compound again, passing some of the team along the way. "At it again I see" Nat comments as Ari passes her.

"Good luck, kid" Tony shrugs as he sees Bucky only a few feet behind her

Arianna tears off into the compound and around the corner as she passes Thor and Loki "Good one, Ari" Thor laughs and gives a thumbs up

"This one is fun" Loki comments with a strange smile on his face

"Come here, you little troublemaker" Bucky roars from behind her

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