Coming Home

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Arianna slips through the bifrost and falls back into the earths atmosphere unconcious, the spell used to trap Hela zapped all of her strength, the Avengers watch as she plummets to earth at an alarming rate.

"Shes not stopping" Steve states alarmed

"Crap, not again" Bucky curses as he rushes forward and catches her before she hits the ground.

Arianna wakes up several hours later with all the Avengers in her room, surrounding her bed,she looks at each of their faces, smiling. Suddenly she realizes that one person is missing...

"Wheres Bucky?" Arianna asks concerned, she bursts into tears as he walks in

"Im right here, Babydoll" Bucky heads straight for her bed gathering her in and holding her tight as she sobs. After a few moments Arianna gets herself under control.

"Its finally over" Arianna says, her voice shaky "I dont even know how to feel." She looks up at Bucky "Sorry, I got your shirt all wet."

Bucky kisses the top of her head "Its alright, Trouble, Ive got you."

"Are you sure Hela cannot escape?" Thor asks breaking the moment

"Brother, I think Starlight knows what she is doing" Loki says before Arianna can answer "After all she is a Goddess"

Arianna pulls away from Bucky, looking at both Thor and Loki. "I am a Goddess and I used my own blood to seal the spell." She takes another deep breathe "The only way she is freed is if someone uses my blood in a ritual spell, and since I don't plan on donating any time soon,she will never be freed!"

"So, Ari, what do we do now?" Steve asks

Arianna looks around the room at everyone standing there "Well, what about a party?" She asks smiling fully, a winkle in her eye.

"Thats my girl!" Wanda says laughing "Lets do it!"

Arianna kicks everyone out of her room so she could get dressed. Everyone disperses and gets ready for the party that Tony was even now planning. That man had skills when it came to throwing something together last minute.

That night the drinks flowed freely and for the first time in months Arianna seriously let loose and everyone joins in. Glasses clinked and shots were passed around including some Asguardian whiskey. Arianna is dancing around and singing when she looks up and notices Loki standing off to the corner, just watching her. Arianna places her cup down and walks over to Loki,speaking quietly to him, they walk off to another room.

Bucky watches as they walk away alone...

Once in the room, Loki makes his way to the window and stares out quiet and pensive, not saying anything "Loki, whats going on?" Arianna asks as she approaches him "Why arent you hanging out with us?"

He turns from the window and looks deep into her eyes "Im leaving, Arianna"

"But I just got you back" Arianna protests "You cant leave me!" Her words hang in the silence between them, Loki is the first to break it.

"You dont need me Starlight." He says quietly "You have Bucky and you need to see where that goes"

"Youre my best friend, Loki" Arianna pleads "Please don't go"

"I will always be your best friend, Ari" Loki says gently as he caresses her cheek "But right now its too painful to be here" He drops his hand "I need some time, to get over you"

"I understand" Arianna says after a moment "Im going to miss you so much" She lets out a little sob as Loki pulls her into his arms

"Dance with me, Ari" He says softly and begins to sway with her, to music that only the two of them can hear. Loki gently lets her go "I love you" He says softly as Arianna gives him one last kiss and then hes gone and she is left there, alone, crying softly.

"Goodbye, Mischief" Arianna says quietly into the empty room.

Bucky watches from the doorway as Arianna heads out the balcony towards her own room...

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