Good Old Days

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Later that afternoon Ariana grabs Cassie and heads to the training room, Nat and Wanda are already there and ready to kick some ass. Nat was working a hanging punching bag, while Wanda worked with a sparing dummy.

"Hey ladies" Arianna raised her voice above the blasting rock music "Want a real challenge, all three of you versus me!"

"Me first". Nat smirks

"Im so in" Wanda added, her sparking red.

"This is going to be fun" Cassies smiles as both Nat and Wanda move in to attack Ari

Nat came in hard and fast, jumping on Ari and wrapping her legs around her as she pummeled her first and Ari deflected each blow and detached Nat from her just as Wanda moved her hands and throws Ari, up and back. Ari stumbles up in time to catch Nat as she throws a flying front kick at her. Arianna spins and disappears,leaving the girls stunned looking around "Where the hell did she go?" Nat asks

At that moment Arianna teleports behind Cassie and knocks her down, they both start fighting and the moves comeback to them just like old times. Arianna grabs a sphere and sweeps Cassies legs out from under her she hits the ground with a thud butAriannas victory is short lived, Cassie kicks out her lead misses ariannas face by inches and twists and sweeps Aris legs out from under her as she jumps up grabbingAriannas spear, pinning her down.

"Youre good babe" Cassie smirks as she helps Arianna up "But Im better!"

Later that night after dinner Arianna goes to Cassies room to see if she wants to go out for a drink, when she opens the door she finds her friend crying on her bed. "Cas!" She runs in and gathers her friend close. "Honey, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"I just got a call fromAlex" Cassie sobs out "He been among a ead on the entity that killed our parents" She looks up atAri with teary eyes " Hes found him, Ari!"

"Oh my Gods" Ari breathes "Where is he?"

"Hes on a small solasysten about 1 light year from Adromeda called Ara" Cassie furiously wipes at her tears

"Whats his plan for getting this guy?" Ari asks worried about the look in her friends eye

"Hes getting Adam and they are coming here to get me." Cassie pushes up and starts passing "We are going to that damn planet and destroying him."

"Thats not a solid plan Cas" Ari tries to reason with her" Please tell me you arent doing something stupid that could get you hurt or worse"

"I cant promise anything, Im sorry Ari" Cassie stops pacing to look ather friend.

"Cas, please, think this through" Arianna pleads "You are planning on going after an infinite being!"

"He's the reason my mother is dead!" Cassie shouts back "I need to do this, Ari, Im sorry"

"Shit!" Ari curses a ss he runs her hand through her hair "Okay give. Me a second to think." Arianna starts to pace the room, she knows what needs to be done, she just so worried about the consequences "You, Alex and Adam cant go alone, you dont stand a chance."

"We are trained in these kinds of missions, Starlight, we will be okay" cassiecounters

"I know you'll be okay doll" Arianna stops her pacing and looks Aussie dead in the eye "Cuz im coming with you!"

Before Cassie could say anythingArianna holds up a hand "Imgoing and so are Thor and Loki, its going to take more than skill and training to fight an infinite being."

"It takes Gods" Cassie takes. A deep breathe "Okay the boys will be here by dawn, we can gather everyone, go over the plan and be out by mid morning."

Arianna looks at Cassie and sighs as she walks out to hunt up lOki and Thor, this was going to be a tricky situation.

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