Enter The Boys

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The next morning Ari is waiting for Alex and Adam outside when a black sports car pulls up to the Avengers compound, she smiles when she sees them exit the car, she runs up to Alex and hugs him.

"Look at you, Al, all grown up!" She gives him another squeeze "Ive missed you!"

"Ari, gorgeous as always" Alex holds Ari at arms length, taking a good hard look at her "Missed you too, kid"

"Yeah, yeah we are all big and pretty" Adam nags as he shoves Alex aside, pulling Ari into a hard hug "Give me a hug squirt, so we can get this show on the road!"

Ari laughs as she hugs Adam back "Always a charmer!"

Cassie joins them as Ari is walking everyone back into the compound hanger "Is Bucky coming with us?" She asks, hugging her brother and Adam in turn

"Bucky is staying behind" Ari answers quietly as she looks at the floor and then back up at Cassie. "We had a huge fight last night, Im not sure is hes even in the compound right now." Ari shakes her head as Cassie ties to come up with something to say "I dont want him involved in ties anyway, its our fight, not his!"

"Whose Bucky?" Alex asks,tuning into the conversation

"And is he good in a fight?" Adam added "We could use all the help we can get."

"Buckys Aris guy" Cassie chimes in "Hes a super solider, so yeah he would be a big help."

Adam turns towards Ari, a brow arched " So why isnt he coming with us?"

"Damn it! I said Im not involving him and that's the end of it!" Ari snaps at the trio "Besides we have all the help we need with the brothers coming along."

Loki chose that moment to come appear, with Thor right behind him "Thats right, why would you want the Tin Man to help when you have the most powerful Gods from Asgard on your side." He says smugly

"Seriously ladies, those fossils are coming with us?" Alex rolls his eyes

"Fossils? Do you know who you are talking to?" Loki demands "What I could do to you with just thought?"

"You should turn them into frogs like the ones they pranked you with" Thor added, laughing

"They are some of the best, Alex you know that" Cassie says sweetly "Everything will be fine, lets go the jets are ready."

"We'll see" Alex says doubtfully "Anyway Ronans end is all that matters right now."

"Lets go then" Loki says and starts walking towards the jets, mumbling under his breathe "Maybe we will get lucky and you'll be shoved into the bog of eternal stench."

They all pile into the quinjet, Ari stands at the opening as it closes, staring at the compound wishing she could have said goodbye to Bucky and hoping he was still there when she comes back.

After several hours of travel the team arrives at the base in Ara, its was an abandoned military base, that the boys have been working out of for the last two years.

"So first thing we should do is look through the extensive library here and see if we can find some kind of weakness in Ronans defense shields." Cassie says a s the walk through the long corridor leading to the interior rooms of the base.

"Thats not a bad idea, once we breakthrough that, the brothers and I can neautralize his powers" Ari nodded at Cassie smiling

"And we can come in and finish them off" Adam adds

"Are you sure you and the brothers can do that Ari?" Cassie asks "Last I heard he has the power stone"

"I've dealt with the power stone before, Cas" Ari reassures her "Ive got a few tricks up my sleeve. Trust me"

Everyone  gathers around the library, Ari borrowed some of Tonys technology and they we going over the possible points of entry with the boys, while Cassie is looking through the books for a way to break the shield. "I think my brain is leaking out of my ears" Cassie exclaims as she lays her head. Down on the book she's reading "Next time I have a brilliant idea, just shoot me."

Ari looks over at her and smiles "Aww, hun, im done here, let me help you look" She heads over and points to a stack of ancient books in the corner "Why dont I take this area and you look over there."

Cassie walks over and lifts a couple of volumes, accidentally flipping open a very old volume in ancient Aramaic... it begins to glow... "Guys..."

Ari walks over to Cassie and smiles down at the book, as she reads through the incantation "Our girl here is a genius, shes found it!"

"You can actually break down his shield with this spell?" Adam asks skeptically

"Yes I can and I will, lets do this guys" Ari smiles brilliantly

"Im ready" Cassie says confidentially as she grabs a seraph blade "its about time this asshole pays for all his crimes."

"Dude, your sister is scary when she gets that look in her eyes" Adam says faking a shiver. Alex just smirks and shrugs...

The foursome turn and start to make their way out of the library and the base " Shes kind of hot, too" Adam adds smugly

"Shut up, Adam!" Alex says grumpily. Ari starts laughing as the two of them shove each other.

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