Facing The Beast

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At Ronans stronghold, Ari and the Brothers work a spell to break down the outer shield "Stay here" Ari turns to the brothers "We are going in and clearing the place of Ronans minions" She turned and looked back at-the stronghold "Once we have Ronan cornered, Ill pull you guys through to help neutralize the power of the stone"

With that Ari, Cassie, Alex and Adam make their way in fighting everyone who gets in their way. Cassie goes in and flips over a group of three minions as Ari throws out a blast to blind them and Adam comes in with his blade dispatching the alien like creatures. Going further into the strong hold, Alex shoots several minions with arrows through the neck, chest and head and Arianna using her whip and several power runes brings down the rest of them.

The group make it to the middle of the strong hold and come face to face with the being himself, surrounded in Purple haze coming from the power stone, he is standing in the middle of the tower, waiting, as if he knew they were coming. Cassies sharp intake of breathe had Ari on high alert, she could imagine what was going through her facing her parents killer.

Alex strides forward "We meet again, Ronan" He yells "Its been a long time coming."

"Today you pay for your crimes against humanity and for killing our parents." Cassie says her voice shaky at first but strengthening at the end with resolve.

Ronan looks the siblings up and down with disdain "You are mere mortals, insignificant specks on this planet, you can't stop me." He slowly makes his way towards them "I am master of this universe and your doom!" His voice booms and echos against the stones walls.

"Wanna bet?" Arianna says disdainfully "Alex, Now!" She turns to Alex and takes her position as Alex launches an arrow at Ronan at the same time that Ari sends out a elemental power blast. The force of the combined arrow and elemental power opens a portal right in front of Ronan, knocking him back several feet and allowing Loki and Thor to come through but they arent alone...

Thor and Loki come through the portal bringing the Avengers, one by one they stepped through, Tony first "Hey kid! Miss me?" He winks as he walks by, taking up position to Cassies left, the Hulk stomps by taking the right side between Cassie and Adam, Steve strolls in after "Thought you'd have all the fun without us?"

Following him came Sam with his falcon suit and Clint with his special arrows, Natasha and Wanda follow suit flanking the rest, ready to fight "We are family Ari" Wanda says sending Ari a meaningful look. And lastly Bucky walks through and straight to Ari, her hearts softens as she breathes out his name "Bucky!" He stands beside her and she smiles at him

"We stick together, no matter what!" Bucky says gruffly looking her in the eyes. She takes his hand and gives it one hard squeeze before releasing it.

"I love you, Slick" Ari says and turns to face Ronan as he begins to pulse out purple energy...

"Enough of these theatrics, you all die tonight" Ronan roars

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