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"Do what," he slightly backs away. "We can't be kissing and-," I can't make eye contact with him. "What Hailee," he interrogates me to speak. "I think this sort of stuff shouldn't happen between us," I explain. "You're right, but it's just so hard" he clenched his jaw. "What is," I squint my eyes and cross my arms because I feel too vulnerable right now. I'm trying so hard to stop this from happening and he's not helping. He's making this much harder than I expected.

"I see your mind running Hailee, What is it that you're thinking so intensely about," he avoids my question. I look up to him shyly and we make eye contact. "Blaise why all of a sudden did you-." He stops me. "I should be going before things get suspicious," he turns around and leaves me confused and frustrated. I can't deny the feeling my body is having when near him. It's exhilarating when it has to be a secret. The temptations are eating me alive.


In potions class the next day I took my usual spot. Ava joined me when she arrived as well as Draco. And after a few minutes of class beginning, Blaise joined us. He sat across from me next to Draco. The tension in the room is killing me. My body is aching for it to stop.

Ava senses a weird vibe coming from me and looks at me silly. "What," I whisper at her trying my best to sound genuinely confused. "You seem off," she whispers loudly. I squirm in my seat thinking about how Blaise is probably so amused by this. "What does that even mean," I shoot her a dirty look. "It just means...," I lose focus on what she's saying when I feel a pair of eyes on me. I glance over and he stares at me amused. Ava hits my arm snapping me out of it. "You see what I mean! Something is wrong with you," she whispers angrily. "I'm just tired Ava," I roll my eyes. She sighs and looks away.


Later after our classes, I was in Ava's room with her and it started to storm. "So are you going to explain what that was in class," Ava finally breaks. "I had just smoked I was out of it," I lie. "I can still tell you're lying but whatever for now," she gets up out of her bed. "What are you doing," I scoot to the edge of the bed. "We're going to smoke on the astronomy tower, let's go," she grabs her wraps and jar of bud. I quickly get up excited to go smoke.

She opens her door and comes to a hard stop. "What are you guys doing here," she sounds upset. I come and peek around her shoulder to see who it is. "I know you and Hailee are always together when there's a storm and we are bored," Draco replies. "Well, we're smoking and you're not invited," I chime in. "Oh come on," Blaise tries to convince me. Ava turns around towards me with a hopeful face. "Ugh fine," I walk past Draco and Blaise annoyed.

At the top of the astronomy tower, I stand smoking my blunt looking out to the beautiful dark sky. It smelt of fresh rain and thunder was roaring through the air. Ava and Draco were being their usual selves while Blaise was not. He came over to me. I give him a weird look while taking a hit. "So what's got you acting all weird and nervous," he says with his blunt between his thumb and pointer finger. "Blaise can you not? I don't want to think right now," I look away from him in exhaustion.

"Hailee you're making it so much more obvious don't you realize," he tries his hardest to not get mad. "And you aren't by coming over here and talking to me, and also you smiling at me during class was so obvious," I get mad. "How is it neither of them noticed then," he taunts me. I take a long hit burning it down quickly. "Oh looks like I finished, I'm going back now," I fight back a cough and leave.

I go back to my room and change into my small pajamas. I opened my window for fresh air, and so I could fall asleep to the sounds of thunder and lightning. I relaxed until Ava abruptly entered my room. "Hey! What is going on with you," She puts her hands on her hips with sass. "Nothing, I just finished smoking and want to sleep," I explain. "Ugh so you're not going to hang out with us in my room," she gets upset. "No sorry." She sighs in defeat and leaves.

Twenty minutes pass and I hear a small knock on my door. I roll my eyes and get up to open the door. "Ava I already said-," I retract my words. "Care if I join ya," he says like nothing happened. "Who was that talking about getting caught earlier," I rub my chin sarcastically. "I told them I was going back to my room so they have no idea," he explains. "Why are you here," I question. "Let me come in and I'll explain."

I open the door and scoff. Blaise comes in and I close the door behind him. "So explain," I stand in front of him not thinking of what I'm wearing. His wandering eyes remind me. The way he is taking in every inch of my body excites me. I want to fight it so bad but I grab his face and kiss him hesitantly. He pulls back in confusion and tightly grabs my face kissing me aggressively. "Blaise," I sneak in between one of his kisses.

He pulls back and opens his eyes slowly. "Don't say my name like that," he looks deep into my eyes. "Don't kiss me like that then," I say breathing deeply.  He smiles wide showing his perfect teeth. It only makes him impossible to resist.

I put my lips back onto his kissing him passionately. A deep groan escapes his mouth showing me just how much he's enjoying this. I broke this kiss because I heard a noise outside my door. "What is it," he pulls my face back to his. "I heard someone outside my door," I remove myself from his embrace.

"Hailee let me in," Ava yells through my door. My head jolts back to Blaise with huge eyes. "Okay give me a second," I anxiously buy us some time to figure this out. "Go sit on my balcony with a blunt or something," I scoot him away, "And this is on you to figure out what to say to her," I get nervous and walk to the door.

I take a deep breath and open the door with a slight smile. "You and I need to talk about Draco and Blaise," Ava hurries into my room. "I think they're cooking something up," she says like a detective. "Umm Ava," I point in Blaise's direction.

"What is he doing in your room," She says in disgust.

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