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Today is when the meeting will happen. I've decided I'm excited to be there to see the three of their reactions when I arrive. I do have all my classes to go to before the meeting will begin but I've already started to prepare myself.

The last I heard was Voldemort was weak and small but working on well, coming back. Could he possibly be fooling everyone and has already returned?


I got dressed up and headed to the Malfoy manner to attend the meeting. I walked into the deafening silence of Draco's extremely large castle-like home. I headed to the faint chattering and braced myself for the situation I was about to encounter. My shoes clacking against the hardwood floors I entered the room and everyone's head turned to me and went silent in an instant.

Ava has a very expressive face so it was quite priceless. Draco didn't react per usual. Then I looked at Blaise who was eyeing me down but not showing any emotion other than in his eyes. He just always has an unamused face so it's no different. I scan the table and I notice Belitrix, snape, Blaise's mother and father as well as Draco's parents. And others I've seen in the newspapers. One person I didn't see was he himself, Voldemort. I take my seat at the table right next to Bellatrix. Draco's dad stood up at the end of the table.

"Welcome to Hailee Snape, the newest death eater and the one this meeting is about," he pauses briefly. My eyes are wide, what could this possibly be about? "Stand up," Belitrix whispers aggressively and nudges my shoulder. I stood up without hesitation. "Hailee you have been chosen to join the tri-wizard tournament for the recreation of Lord Voldemort, you will put your name into the goblet of fire and will be the champion for Hogwarts."

A wave of relief waves over my body allowing me to finally relax. I will be able to do the tournament easily, I probably would've been the champion anyway. "Okay," I don't know what I'm supposed to say or how to act. I haven't gotten to watch anyone else interact here. Belitrix huffs and grabs my arm pulling me back to sit down. "This is the girl he chose," Belitrix whines. "Enough, the dark lord chose her, that's it," Lucious gets furious. She sits down angrily. Is she always this whiny and loud?

The rest of the meeting was honestly boring. I was now dreading every meeting I'd have in my near future. I get up and I go over to my father. "You will win," he says proudly. "Yeah I know I will, and maybe I can understand a little that you were just trying to protect me. But you're not completely forgiven yet, I'm still furious," I explain harshly and walk away.

When I arrived at the front door Ava was standing with her arms crossed. "So you're just a death eater now," she says with sass. "You knew it was going to happen now that I know. Why are you surprised," I argue back with sass. "How would I know that," she lies to my face. "I talked to my dad and he told me everything, so you can quit lying to me now," I target her angrily. "Well-." She starts to aggressively say before I cut her off. "I don't care Ava. Anything you have to say to me right now doesn't matter," I end the conversation and walk out the front door to my car.

As I turn the key and unlock the door I reach my hand to the door handle to pull my door but it doesn't open. I whip my head back feeling the presence of someone over me. "Let me into my car!" I cross my arms when he doesn't oblige to my order. "I'm coming with you," Blaise removes his hand from my door allowing me access to go in. I pause for a moment processing everything. As that's happening he walks to the passenger door and gets into my car. I open my door angrily in response and get in. "Fine ugh! you're so annoying," I look over and glare at him. He ignores my hateful comment and looks ahead of him.

We arrive back at Hogwarts. "So this is what was going on with you," he says not looking in my direction. My face heats up from embarrassment and anger that he brought it up again. I don't reply and awkwardly sit there as the rain pours onto my windshield. "Hailee you shouldn't have become a death eater," he looks at me repositioning himself in his seat. "And why is that Blaise," I ask offended. He looks away in what seems to be pain. physical pain.

"What's wrong with you," I question and mock him. "Why do you sometimes ask the questions and not others," he confuses me. "Okay, you've lost me." His body is tensed and his jaw is clenched. "I've just noticed you always are aching to ask me a question when I mention something but you never actually ask," he shows me who he is for once. "Because I usually remember I shouldn't care to know," I expose myself on accident. I hate not telling the truth. 

"Hm," he doesn't know how to reply to the honesty I gave him finally. I look at him for a moment waiting for him to do or say anything. But it doesn't happen. So I sigh get out of my car and slightly storm off to go inside. It's pouring rain and I'm getting drenched.

"Hailee wait okay," he sighs. from behind me. "Well," I get annoyed that he's taking so long to speak because we're standing in the rain. "Hailee I didn't mean for this to happen but it just did. It never has and I don't know how to act." Does he expect me to understand what he means at all times? "I'm going to need you to be a little more specific," I am annoyed. His jaw clenched fighting himself to speak. He looks at me and I shyly look up to him who is staring at me intensely. He grabs me by the waist and I gasp in surprise. "Blaise what are you doing," I say nervously. "I can't help myself Hailee, and when you look at me like that. Well, never mind," he decides he doesn't want to say whatever it is he was planning to. "Say it, Blaise," I look at him with a serious face.

"Fuck," he grits his teeth. I put my hand to the back of his neck forcing him to look down at me. "You shouldn't have done that," his eyes open wide in surprise and he smirks. "And you shouldn't have gotten into my car," I lower my eyelids in annoyance. "You're right but I can't help myself with you," he says again. "What do you mean by that," I interrogate him. "Do you always need to talk so much," he leans down to my lips.

I reject him. "Blaise don't start something you can't handle." He smiles and shakes his head. "I've already decided that I don't want you to be with anyone else," he looks back at me and his eyes trace down to my lips. "So what are you saying Blaise," I say quietly. "Why must you make me say it," he complains. "Because how am I to be 100% sure," I tilt my head. "I want to have you all to myself," he lowers his tone. I slightly smile looking at his eyes and then down to his lips. I grip his soaking-wet shirt with my hands.

He pulls my head to a tilt and starts to slightly kiss my shoulder while moving to my neck. I separate my mouth in pleasure and close my eyes to avoid the rain pouring onto us. "HAILEE!" A car door slams shut breaking Blaise and I away from each other.

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