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"I knew it!" Ava's voice filled the air. The headlights of her car shut off and I finally saw her emerge. I look at Blaise with a nervous expression. I have no idea how he will respond to this misfortunate situation. He looks at me unsettlingly calm. That only made me feel worse.

"So are either of you going to speak," she raises her voice. Blaise doesn't speak up and since he was a part of the secret kept from me, why not torture him a little? "Blaise is the one who won't leave me alone," I throw him under the bus. "Okay and, I need more information," she says impatiently. I've decided to blame this all on him because I wanted payback.

"Well, you see, Blaise brought me home the night of Draco's party, and ever since then he seriously will not leave me alone," I explain. "That's weird because the Blaise I know would not do that so why are you lying?!" Her words make my heart beat fast. "Yeah, Hailee, tell her why you're lying" Blaise adds to the situation. I'm about to go over the edge if they keep this up.

"I wasn't lying that just wasn't the entire truth," I try to stay as calm as I can. "Okay so tell me," she is getting upset. "Oh like you told me about you three being death eaters," I bark back. She goes silent and I snap my head back looking at Blaise to see if he has anything to add. He keeps his mouth shut, a good idea. "Great, now that this is over," I excuse myself with one last sassy remark before I go.

I've been overwhelmed with thoughts about what Ava thinks. I didn't give her any information but at the same time, she saw everything she needed to see. I know she is suspicious but she can't be sure so I'll just play off of that when the time comes.


The next day we were all called to the grand hall for an announcement. I entered prepared for what was to come. "Quiet! We are hosting the tri-wizard tournament this year. You will write your name on a piece of parchment and simply throw it into the goblet. It will choose a champion from each school on luck." Dumbledore explains. "Oh and a new rule has been implemented, no one under the age of 17 may put their name into the goblet!"

That statement caused a lot of ruckus among my classmates under the age of 17. "Silence," Dumbledore's voice echoes through the open room and the room goes silent. "That's all now," he sends us off.

I pull my parchment out from my pocket that had my name written on it previously. I step into the age line and place my name into the goblet. It lights on fire burning my parchment to nothing. As I leave I walk into Ava with her arms crossed. "Excuse you," I say petty. "I need to explain something please," she begs. "Okay," I agree on curiosity.

We go to my room to talk. "Okay, I want to tell you the reason I didn't tell you," She paces in front of me. "I'm listening," I push her to continue. "Well, your dad told me... Well, he told me you would die. He said it's in a prophecy. But I have now learned he thought you would die from the tournament, and if I knew that I would have told you," she rambles quickly. "Hm," I say to show I've heard what she's said I'm just thinking. "Wait so how do you know the prophecy thing is a lie," I question nervously.

"I just assumed," she says confused at my widened eyes. "No because what if that's the prophecy!? That I die in the tournament, it's a huge possibility! I need to go ask him," I panic. "And if it is? You wouldn't still do it would you," she asks a question she knows the answer to. "Ava the goblet is a binding magic when I'm chosen there's no going back. And I've already entered my name so what choice do I have," I argue. "First we should figure out if this is even the case," she tries to be rational.

She makes a fair point and I leave without a word. I walk to my father's office hoping he just made it up to scare her into secrecy. I storm in without warning and he doesn't even budge. He slowly looks up with an unamused face. "What is it?" I walk up to him practically stomping. "Is the prophecy true," I ask with a raised voice. His eyes widen in surprise answering the question. "So it is," I accept my fate.

Toxic Chaos  (Blaise zabini)Where stories live. Discover now