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I look at him to explain. "I just felt like smoking with Hailee," he says nonchalantly. That's what he came up with?! At least he made it sound believable. I looked at her with the best straight face I could manage.

"Um alright can you leave then, I'm sure Hailee doesn't want you here anyway," she gives him attitude. "What does that mean," he stands up glancing at me for a moment. "I mean Hailee likes to be alone and you are probably interrupting her peace," She is completely right. "Am I interrupting your peace Hailee," he turns his attention towards me. "Yes," I smile deviously with my back to Ava so she couldn't see my face. "Okay you can leave Blaise," Ava smiles in victory.

He rolls his neck in frustration. "Bye Blaise I'll see you later," I wink at him. His eyes widen in anger that only I would notice. I guess he didn't like me flirting with him in front of Ava. He closes the door and I wait to hear the sounds of footsteps to disappear to speak.

"So tell me what are they conspiring about," I try my best to distract her. "Um first I want to talk about, WHAT THE HELL THAT WAS," she sits down on my bed signifying she's not leaving without a good reason. "He genuinely came here to smoke," I lie to her face. I feel terrible but if Ava knows Draco will know. With Draco knowing he will make it obvious on purpose. He likes to torture Blaise.

"Hailee why does it feel like you're keeping a secret from me," she interrogates me. "Because I am," I say it like it's obvious. "What," she gets confused. I can see her brain working hard to figure out what is going on. "I keep many secrets," I explain. "You're confusing me," she says flustered. She stands up to concentrate more, I believe. "Okay sooner or later I will figure this out," she threatens me. "We'll see," I challenge her. She truly will figure it out. She has some serious talents when it comes to solving something or finding out something secret.

She will go over everything she's seen in the past two weeks and nitpick every action and emotion you have. In the end, she's always right so I'm certain she will know eventually if it keeps happening. That's why Blaise and I should stop whatever is starting to begin.


I head to my divination class early, the same as every other class. I take my seat and start preparing my things.  "Hello hailee," Ava says suspiciously as she takes the seat next to me. "Hello," I give her an awkward smile. Everyone started to plow in some of them being Harry, Ron, and Hermione. A few seconds before class began Draco and Blaise entered the room all masculine and angry. Harry and Ron give them a look of disgust.

Draco comes to our two-person table. "Not sitting with me today," he lifts her chin with his pointer finger. "Nope," she pushes his hand off her, "I have an open investigation." "Okay would it help if Blaise and I pulled up two chairs to join you," he suggests. "That would be a great idea," She gives me an evil smile and I look at her with disapproval.

"You sit over there," Draco redirects Blaise to the outside by me. "Why I always sit on this side," he argues. "Yeah because you and Hailee were never friends before," Draco explains rudely. "UH, we are NOT friends," I interrupt. "Yeah but you two have finally been speaking, and Ava tells me," Ava hits Draco to stop him. "Take your seats," Professor Trelawney's voice cracks. "Go," Draco gets frustrated at Blaise.

Blaise unwillingly took his chair to my side of the table and sat down with an attitude. "Thank you, I will begin now," Professor Trelawney holds her hands together and starts the class. 

"Well that was torturous," Ava says in the courtyard after class. "What was," I sound annoyed. "you and Blaise, Something happened between you," she squints her eyes at each of us. "This is the exact reason I was trying to hide the fact that we're talking, and as nothing more than friends might I add. you are insufferable with your nitpicking everything and thinking it means something," I get frustrated. "Relax Hailee I was joking, I know you would never do that with Blaise, especially Blaise" Ava exposes me and laughs not thinking of what she just said. "What does that mean," Blaise says offended towards me. "Really Ava," I roll my eyes and get up leaving them for my next class.

Luckily none of them took the next class I have so I'll be able to relax. As much as I'm not in the mood to go to class I ignore the bad thoughts and go anyway. As you know I can't ruin my perfect reputation.


I leave my last class of the day and start to head towards my dorm when I'm stopped. "Hailee explain to me what that was," Blaise looks angry. "Are you mad," I ask in disbelief. "What made Ava say that," he crosses his arms. I look at the two girls passing by us trying to secretly get in on our conversation. "maybe we should do this somewhere else," I wait for them to be a great distance away before I speak. "Fine let's go to your room," he gestures to me to go. "I say we go to yours, Ava might interrupt us again," I suggest. "If you're trying to make whatever this is a secret you definitely shouldn't come to my room," Blaise smiles. "First of all you are the one who is so worried about people gossiping, and why would that be any different than you coming into mine," I argue. "Because I don't allow anyone into my space. Ever," he says seriously. "Hm I've heard that rumor, I guess it's true," I run my chin. "Yeah anyway, let's go to your room," he says in a frustrated tone. "I'm not talking about this unless we go to your room. So it's your choice," I shrug my shoulders.

I'm hoping he won't be willing to allow me in his room. I've heard he's very weird about people going into his room, as well as going to his house. People say no one, not even Draco knows where he lives. "Fine," He grabs my arm and angrily stomps while dragging me along with him.

"What I didn't think you would," I try to refuse to follow him. "It's too late for you now Hailee," he looks back and smiles at me seductively.

Toxic Chaos  (Blaise zabini)Where stories live. Discover now