Chapter XXII

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Julie sat quietly in the cabin of Optimus's alt mode. They had left the base two days ago, and they had merely been driving around the states. During the first day and a half she had merely been fast asleep from wearing herself out. She was always exhausted after she had used her powers. She had been merely awake for the past several hours lost in thought during their drive.

"Julie, I want to speak with you." Optimis said.

"Why did I suspect this coming?" Julie mumbled.

"I have been thinking about how Primus had visited you in your dreams when you were recovering." Optimus started. "It makes me wonder more about your history. You had said that you don't know about everything your ancestors had done. I can only wonder if there is something Primus told you that you haven't told us. Would it be correct to assume you're keeping some information from us?"

"He did speak with me, but part of me doesn't really want to believe what he told me."

"What did he tell you?" Optimus asked in a commanding tone.

"He... he called me..." Julie sighed as she tried to say it, but she was too scared to.


"He called me his descendent, but I don't understand how that can be." Julie explained. "It makes me truly question everything my ancestors taught us. I am long overdue for a message from my parents I am afraid, but they have not reached me."

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes when I look at the water or the night sky my parents reach out to me, even though they are dead I can usually hear their voices speak to me. It was how I survived with Midnight, after their death. They would speak to me and give me some directions of guidance, but I haven't heard them speak to me since before my capture."

"Why do you hate your Birthday? That is another thing I cannot understand. Unless something bad happened to you on your birthday." Optimus said.

"You really want to know?" Julie asked.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know."

Julie sighed. "I hate my birthday, because it was on my birthday when everything fell apart. When my parents were taken away from me I had just turned 10 years old. I also lied about saying my birthday was early in the year, it is not. It is actually towards the very end of the year, and the day it lands on is before one of the famous holidays, which doesn't help me when remembering the disappointment the day reminds me of."

"So when is your birthday?"

"My birthday is the 20th of December, but I personally just hate the whole month. When humans celebrate Christmas as a day to give, all it reminds me of is what life gave me. When the world gave me so much pain and sadness. It makes me wonder sometimes why I keep going. Why do I still continue to push forward, when all the world has given me is pain?" Julie sighed. "I just wish the pain could go away, but I know that will never happen." Tears filled her eyes as she sat there in the passenger seat, curled up into a ball. Not paying attention to Optimus pulling over in the woods they were driving in. He pulled over and transformed, startling her for a second as she found herself in his servo. "Julie, I understand the pain that you are feeling. Can I tell you it will go away? No, I can not, but it can get better, if you share it with people around you."

"Yeah, but sometimes that can lead to it hurting more as well."

"Not if you tell people who care, and believe me when I tell you this, we do care. Even Bulkhead, believe it or not. We do see you as one of us, and we want to treat you as such." Optimus said as he held her at optic level. "Julie, we want to help you. I was very surprised when you gave the kids such a good time back at base. You looked so happy."

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