Chapter XXIV

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"What the heck happened?" Julie cried as Ratchet grabbed Arcee and headed back to the groundbridge. "Help me grab the others." Julie nodded as she shifted into her cybertronian form and grabbed Optimus, doing her best to drag him closer to the bridge, once she was in front of the bridge she left him there and went to grab Bumblebee, just in time for Ratchet to come out of the bridge. While he grabbed Optimus, Julie worked on getting both Bulkhead and Bumblebee. It wasn't long before they were all back at base.

"Ratchet, are they still alive?" Raf asked.

"They're alive, but I've never encountered this form of stasis lock." Ratchet replied while he looked at a monitor.

"The cons are crossing the atlantic. Making a beeline for North America." Agent Fowler cried.

"Wait, we can track them?" Jack asked.

"Why aren't they cloaked like usual?" Raf asked.

"None of this makes a lick of sense. They had us in their crosshairs, but the cons just took off." Agent Fowler said.

"They even bailed on the spark extractor thingy." Miko cried.

"Well, if the ship isn't cloaked, maybe the communications relay is open and..." Jack said.

"Yeah, yeah. Are you suggesting that we just call Megatron and ask him what's happening up there?" Ratchet cried. He turned to the monitors and sighed. "Autobot outpost omega 1 to decepticon warship. Megatron, please respond. Megatron?"

"Megatron has been relieved of his command."

"Who is this?" Ratchet asked.

"Who is this?" the voice replied.

"Have you taken control of the decepticon vessel?"

"I am the vessel. Any cybertronian who interferes with my mission will be neutralized." Images of frozen decepticons appeared on the monitor as they looked at the screen.

"What mission?"

"Priority one, decrypt Iacon database and recover decepticon technology."

"For what purpose?"

The monitor beeped as no reply came back.

"It hung up? Rude." Miko cried.

"Rude? There is a giant spaceship flying around collecting decepticon weapons of mass destruction." Agent Fowler cried.

"A giant spaceship filled with neutralized decepticons." Jack said.


"This could be our one chance to slip aboard and download the Iacon database."

"So Optimus can decode it." Raf commented.

"Ingenious. I will infiltrate the decepticon warship." Ratchet cried.

"Not ingenious, you saw what it did to the decepticons." Jack said.

"And probably Megatron too." Raf commented.

"And Team Prime." Miko cried.

"But that tub had me dead to rights and i'm still breathing." Agent Fowler spoke up.

"The ship may be blind to humans." Jack said.

"Very well, Agent Fowler, but at the first sign of trouble, I am bridging you right back here." Ratchet said. "Now in order to download the database, you will need a compatible transfer drive."

"Uh what?" Agent Fowler asked as he grabbed the device that Ratchet handed him.

"He'll also need tech support." Raf said.

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