Chapter 32

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A/N: another chapter just because it's been years since I last updated

Lauren's POV
After some time being away from gigs I finally got one back at The Bean, I had done a couple small ones but the ones at The Bean were always the big ones that attracted more people. I invited all my friends and Camila even closed the shop for the afternoon and made a sign on the door telling everyone to go to the coffeehouse.
I arrived early to the shop with Camila and she helped me set up on the stage. Once that was done the coffeehouse started to fill up with people, Camila took a seat with Logan and the rest and I made my way up to the stage. I introduced myself and the gig went by as usual other than the random woops and cheers coming from Logan and Camila, they were being extremely supportive and it was nice to have my cute little girlfriend being my little cheerleader for this, and well of course Logan. After I was done we got some coffee and decided to hang out a bit.
"One day we'll be seeing you perform away from coffeehouses, maybe a nice big stage with a bunch of people." Rick said with a wink.
I smiled as Camila cuddled up to my side on the loveseat and hugged her coffee mug to her chest.
"My girlfriend is going to be famous." She said with a lame accent and I laughed.
"Um excuse me?" We looked up and saw a man approaching us, I had seen him focused on me throughout the whole gig, and he was one the phone and taking notes as well. I found it a bit strange.
I nodded and he smiled and sat on an empty seat next to us.
"Hi Lauren, I'm Brian Smith, I work for Sunset records. I've been sort of trying to hunt you down since we've heard a lot of good stuff about." My eyes widened and Camila smiled and gave me light kiss on the cheek.
"Um that's great." I chuckled nervously and he nodded.
"Well we're very interested in you and would love to give you a chance to record an EP." He said and my eyes widened and I turned to Rick right away who looked very surprised.
"Is this a joke? This happened last time and I almost had a heart attack." Rick chuckled and shook his head.
"No, this is not a joke, here's my card." He handed me his card and it looked legit.
"Are you sure the guys aren't messing with me like last time?"
"100% sure, you have a lot of potential Lauren and you have the image and you're so talented." He grinned and I was overwhelmed shocked. Camila had sat up and she had an excited expression on her face.
"Are you in?" He said and my jaw dropped, I looked over at Camila and she nodded and smacked my shoulder gently.
"Um yeah, of course." I choked out and he looked down at his phone.
"Great! Just give me your number and we'll start working out some details to get you out to New York as soon as possible."
"Woah what?" My face dropped right away and Camila's excited expression disappeared. Brian looked up and his mouth went into an o shape.
"Yes our record label is in New York, you'd have to move there. But we take care of everything; we'll get you a place to live, car if needed. All the expenses are on us." He said and I looked down, I felt like my body wasn't getting the oxygen it needed, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I felt the weight that was next to me vanish, I looked to my side and saw Camila had gotten up and was now walking out of the coffeehouse.
"Is there a problem with New York, it's really nice nothing to be scared about." Brian chuckled and I looked up and put a hand through my hair, I smiled and shook my head.
"No, no problem with New York, it's just a big move." I breathed out and he nodded.
"Well we can start to get things going and you could always call us if you're not sure."
"Lauren this is such a big opportunity and this is what you've been waiting for, you can't let this slip." Logan said and I nodded and covered my face.
"I uh... I just need a minute, okay? I'll be right back." I smiled apologetically and walked out of the coffeehouse. I looked around for Camila but I couldn't find her. I walked to the back of the coffeehouse and saw her sitting on the bench next to the big tree, exact same spot where she came to talk to me after my first gig at this place. I bit my lip and walked up to her, she had her head down and her face was covered with her hands. I sat next to her and draped my arm over her back. She tensed up a bit and sat up.
"New York." She said softly as her bottom lip started to quiver.
"Camz..." I said and scoot closer to her and she just sighed.
"No... This is great." She snickered. "This is your dream." She said rubbing my knee but she still wouldn't look at me.
"Camila look at me." She turned her head, her eyes were glassy but she still put on a smile.
"I'm proud of you."
"I can turn it down Camila." I said and she laughed.
"No you will not, I won't let you." She looked down again and I didn't know what to say, in this moment I didn't even know how to feel, one side of me was extremely excited about it but the other side of me couldn't stand to leave Camila. It's all the way on the other side of the country I can't do this. I can't just go and leave her.
"I'm going to turn it down, Camz. I'd rather keep doing what I'm doing. I can't move."
"Shut up." She said and stood up, she moved in front of me and turned me to face her, she put her hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead.
"We'll be alright; you have to do this, okay?" She kissed my forehead again and lingered. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes started to get glassy, I stood up and pulled her into a tight embrace, her head rested firmly on the crook of my neck and I held her tight. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply taking in the smell of her hair, I then put my head down burring it in her hair and I felt my neck get wet and I knew she was crying, I bit down on my bottom lip and kept her close to me, She gripped hard on my jacket then moved her hands to my hips and pushed me away. She turned around and wiped her cheeks then turned back with a smile.
My lips parted and she walked up to me grabbing my face and kissing me as softly as she could. We stayed there for a bit before she pulled away and looked down.
"Let's go inside." She took my hand in hers and interlaced our fingers, we walked back inside the coffeehouse and Brian was still there talking with the guys.
"I'm in." I said and he got up and walked up to me giving me a hug, I felt Camila let go off my hand and she walked away. Brian then pulled away pulled away.
"Logan already gave me your number; I took the liberty of getting everything together over there. We'll be ready to go in 3 days." He said and I let out a breath and swallowed hard.
"3 days?"
"Yes, we want you to get used to being in New York and you can meet the people you'll be working with, you can get settled and everything before we start the EP." He pat my shoulder and I nodded.
"Alright." I said and he smiled.
"See you soon." He turned and waved at my group and walked past me out off the coffeehouse.
I sucked on my bottom lip and looked down; I rubbed my neck and sighed loudly. I looked up to see everyone looking down except Camila, she had her gaze fixed on me, and she smiled and nodded lightly before looking down like the rest.
"New York." I whispered.

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