Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

"Should I bring Emma?" Logan asked peeking his head into my room.

I had just gotten out of the shower, I had one towel wrapped around my body and was drying my hair with another towel.

"Do whatever you want; I'm sure Camila won't mind." I said throwing the towel around and putting a hand through my wet hair while biting my lip.

"Why are you so nervous? It's not even a date." He said dialing his phone and coming in my room.

I looked at him and gave out a fake chuckle. "I'm not nervous!" I said in a squeaky tone. Shit, I'm nervous.

"Oh sure." He said mocking my tone.

"Go away; I'm going to get dressed. Call Emma." I said.

"That's what I'm doing, she hasn't an- Oh hey baby." He winked at me and walked away leaving my door open.

I groaned loudly. "Logan! Leave my door open again and I will cut you next time!" I slammed my door shut and went to my closet skimming my clothes frantically.

Why am I nervous? Logan's right, it's not a date. I just met her, she's just my new neighbor but I want to look good for her... Ugh Lauren! Fuck it it's just a pizza place, I'm not meeting Obama so why look so 'hot', not that I'd look hot to meet Obama... I shook my head laughing at myself and took out the first items of clothing I saw. My favorite pair of high waisted shorts, a cream haul-knit top that showed my abs, my trusty combat boots and a grey beanie.

I got dressed and did my hair, I took my makeup bag and walked to the kitchen where Logan was.

"What's the placed called Laur?" Logan asked.

"Antonio's something like that." I said putting some make up on by the mirror next to the door.

"It's some place called Antonio's, either way you live really close so just come here." He said talking on the phone.

I finished up my makeup and fixed the beanie on, while I was fixing my hair my hands got shaky.

"Shit..." I took a deep breath to try to calm myself, I don't think it was the nerves for tonight though, I just haven't smoked in like a day and maybe that's affecting me. Logan hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"Calm down, I've never seen you so nervous."

I grabbed his arm squeezing it. "I just... It's been a day since I've smoked." I sighed and turned around to face him.

"No, you've gone days before without smoking, you're nervous. Get over it and plus Emma and I will be there, you'll be fine."

I nodded and turned to the mirror again. Suddenly the bell rang and I turned to Logan grabbing his shoulders.

"Crap she's here, how do I look? Do I look good? Is my face okay? I smeared my make up didn't I? Quit looking at me like that."

He chuckled and poked my nose. "Yeah you're not nervous AT ALL, 'I just haven't smoked'" He muttered. I ran into my room to fix my makeup and my hair.

"Oh hey Camila! Come on in!" I heard Logan say.

I looked at myself in the mirror and closed my eyes taking a deep breath; I moved my neck from side to side. "Okay, you're cool." I said to myself and walked out of my room taking my pack of cigarettes and sticking them in my back pocket, I saw Logan leaning on the wall talking to who I assume is Camila, I couldn't see her.

I turned the corner and smiled. "Hey Cam-" I stepped next to Logan and saw Emma.

They both started to laugh and give each other high fives since I fell for their stupid shit.

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