Chapter 21

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Lauren's POV

"Get up! We're going fishing!"

There was a loud banging on our door and what seemed to be pots and pans hitting against each other? Camila turned pulling away from me and groaned.

"Please don't tell me its past 9." She said in a raspy tone, I opened my eyes and looked up at her, she was sitting Indian style on the bed and she was rubbing her eyes, her messy her fell perfectly over her shoulder. The light coming in from the open curtain flashed on her face making her eyes look a light shade of brown, she turned her head to face me and smiled lazily.

"It's so nice to see you next to me in the morning." She said turning to lie on her stomach, she put her elbows up and rested her head on her palms, her face now being really close to mine, she moved her face making the sunlight hit my face, I squinted my eyes a bit and she tittered. She ran her finger from the bridge of my nose to the tip.

"Your freckles are cute." She leaned closer to me and kissed them.

"Guys I don't know what's going on in there but either you come or we're leaving you behind."

I smiled apologetically at Camila and turned to look towards the door.

"Rick you have 3 boats just leave me the keys to one."

"Oh right, I didn't think of that. Sorry for the interruption, I'll be back with the key shortly." He said and knocked once more on the door.

"Fucking Rick, he's doing that on purpose."

"That's okay." She focused on my face again and smiled making her eyes squint.

"You're beautiful." I poked her nose and she scrunched it up.

"I love it when you do that, it makes you way more adorable than you are." I said sitting up on the bed and resting back on the head board.

"Your eyes look amazing right now."

"I know, come here." I extended my arms out and she sat up snuggling into me.

"I love this." She said softly as she snuck her hand in my shirt and rubbed my abs, I rest my chin on the tip of her head and yawned.

"I want coffee, let's go fishing, have you ever gone fishing?" I asked and she nodded.

"Oh yeah, duh what type of question is that?" She sat up and looked at me funny.

"You've never been fishing."

"Nope." She shrugged and hopped off the bed.

"This will be fun."

After getting dressed and grabbing some breakfast I picked up the boat keys Rick had left on top of the kitchen counter and stepped outside. I turned around to see where Camila was and I burst out in laughter once I saw her.

"What?" She put her hands out and fixed the fishing hat on her head.

"Nice hat." I covered my mouth and she smiled broadly.

"Why thank you, I bought it just for you." She walked past me and pat my shoulder; she placed her hands on her hips and took a deep breath then proceeded to walk towards the boat. I stared at her and shook my head. She was quite something.

I jogged up to her and smacked her butt she yelped and smacked my hand.

"Be nice."

"No that's lame." I got on the boat and helped her on it.

"You're the definition of lame right now." She sat on the passenger seat on the boat and I started it, I drove until maybe half way down the lake, I saw the other two boats a bit farther away, Logan and Emma had their own while the rest shared.

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