Chapter 39

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Camila's POV
2 weeks have passed since we last saw each other, 2 painful long weeks. We've been barely talking because she's been busy all the time with the recording she's been doing and now knowing that she doesn't have any idea when she comes back is sad. Everything reminds me of Lauren and when that happens I get upset because she's not with me. I can be walking home from work and I see something in a store window that she would like and my first instinct is to look beside me because somehow I would think she's next to me walking me home from work.
There's a saying that goes something like "Distance means so little when someone means so much."
I disagree, Lauren means the world to me but barely being able to talk to her and most importantly not having her by my side is hard, harder than I thought. It sucks to go by my kitchen window and not see her looking back at me or pressing up her face on the window as she made funny faces at me. It sucks to leave work and not have her waiting for me outside. I just want her back here. She's doing what she loves over there though and I should be happy for her and supportive but I'm really not and that's selfish of me.
I got was walking home from work when I saw Logan and Emma at Lauren's building, there were a couple moving trucks outside. I furrowed my eyebrows and ran over by them.
"What's going on?" I asked and Logan turned to me with a sad expression.
"We sold Lauren's apartment." He said and my jaw dropped.
"Why would you do that? She's going to be pissed when she comes back." I said crossing my arms and Emma put her arm around my shoulder.
"Um Camila, Lauren needs the money over there she can't keep paying the rent for this apartment while she's out there."
"So you sold it?"
"She told us to."
"Why?" He sighed and put his arms on my shoulders. They can't move into Lauren's apartment, it's hers and she'll be coming back.
"She has no idea when she's coming back and if she does she won't be staying for long." My eyes got glassy and I looked down at my feet.
"I know." I said biting my bottom lip.
I looked up and saw the people that were moving into her apartment, there was a girl around my age, she had long straight light brown hair, and there was also a guy maybe a bit older than her. I swallowed hard and looked away from them.
"Have you talked to her?"
"Barely, we only talked for a minute last night." I sighed and wiped some tears that had streamed down my cheeks.
"Don't be upset, she's just been really busy." Emma said and I walked away from them a bit.
"You should get out more; we're hanging out with the guys tomorrow night. Talk to people get distracted. If you go home every day and think about how Lauren is in New York and you can't see her it's just going to get more difficult." Logan said and I nodded.
"Yeah, you're right." I said and he smiled and walked up to me pulling me into a hug.
"You'll be okay buddy."
I have a feeling she's not coming back, seeing her apartment get taken is too hard for me.
Lauren's POV
I've barely gotten any sleep these past weeks, we've been recording nonstop and I've had a bunch of meetings and I've been also getting a few interviews here and there. I've been going to gigs and performing with other artist and bands that are starting out too. I also had to go to presentations and stuff and it's been hectic and I'm exhausted, if this is what it took though to get somewhere with this than I guess it's worth it.
Camila has been on the back of my mind this whole time, I missed her and I felt bad that we've been barely talking because of my messy schedule. I don't know when I can get a chance to go back but I will, I don't think I'll be able to stay for more than 3 days but I'll be able to go back. It's been getting easier, me missing her... I just always have this thing in my mind that as each day passes it's a day closer to when I can get to see her again, so the missing is easy having that in mind. I'll see her really soon... I hope.
I got home around 3 am and I thought of calling Camila but I'm sure she would be sleeping so I took a shower and went to bed.
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I turned beside me and saw it was 6 am and Camila was calling me I quickly got up and reached for my phone.
"Hello?" I said in a husky voice.
"Hi." She said in a small shy tone.
"Babe, why are you awake it's like 3 in the morning over there."
There was a long pause and I heard her let out a shaky breath, I got on my bed again and put the covers over me.
"Camz?" I said and I heard a loud sniffle.
"Come over, I'm cold." I felt my heart drop and my eyes got glassy I took a deep breath and bit down on my lip.
"Camzi I-I can't."
"Just come, please." She said with a bit of desperation in her tone.
"Babe, okay um are you laying down?" I asked and I heard her sniffle.
"No." She croaked out and I sighed.
"Okay, do that; tell me when you lie down."
"I am."
"Under the covers?"
"Okay babe now close your eyes." She hummed and I cleared my throat.
"Do you have the monkey?" I asked and I heard her chuckle.
"Yes, I put your sweater on him so he smells like you."
"Okay hug him tightly, really tight." I heard her sniffles stop for a bit and I rubbed my eye.
"He's not you, but he smells like you." She said and I smiled sadly.
"This isn't working come over." She sighed and I looked down.
"Okay, I'll go over, stay on the phone with me though; until I get there." I lay back in my bed and grabbed my pillow hugging it close to me.
"You still there?" I asked.
"Yes." She said in a sleepy voice.
"We'll get through this babe."
"I miss you so much." Her voice cracked and I felt a pain in my chest.
"Don't cry." I said as a tear escaped my eye, I heard her let out a light sob and I lost it.
"Please don't cry Camz."
"I'll see you real soon, okay?"
She let out a long sigh and cleared her throat.
"Okay lo." She said and I hugged my pillow even closer to me.
"Close your eyes okay? I'm right next to you giving you little kisses on your cheek." I said and she giggled.
"Okay, keep going." She yawned.
"Okay you put your head on my chest and I wrap my arms around you holding you close to me, I'll kiss your forehead and trace circles on your side until you fall asleep."
"I'll stroke your hair and give you kisses on the top of your head." I closed my eyes and grasped the pillow tighter.
Her sniffling died down and I could barely hear her on the other line.
"I'm right next to you, babe. I love you." I said but she didn't answer.
"Sweet dreams baby."

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