Chapter 50

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A/N: Last chapter

Lauren's POV
I walked down the familiar street, one I haven't walked on in a long time. I passed a few store until finally entering the bar I had been missing out on. I was finally back home after a busy year of working and performing. I finally decided on coming back home, I'm going to be taking over Rick's music store since he decided to move on from it and do other things with his life.
There was a gig tonight here of a new local band that I've been helping out so I thought I'd come to give them some support and also because I'm living with them ever since I moved back so if I hadn't come I'd be on the street.
I looked around the bar, there were about 25 to 30 people here, and luckily it was pretty spacey so it wasn't so crowded. I waved at the bartender and walked to the back of the bar.
"Laur!" Ricky exclaimed putting his drink down once he saw me, the other 4 guys, Ron, Michael and Matt were warming up. Rick had always wanted to start a band so he finally started on it a few months back and since he's so busy with the band he pretty much handed the store over to me, with my help I brought Matt and Michael who I met while I was 'touring', they were in a band but they broke up so I brought them back here to meet up with Rick and it all worked out for them in the end.
"Hey guys." I smiled and Rick pulled me into a side hug and kissed my temple. Rick handed me a drink and I grabbed it and took a sip and cringed.
"This thing is way to strong." I put the drink down and walked over to an empty couch and sat on it.
"It's the only thing that's calming me down right now." He said and took a cigarette, he threw one at me and I caught it and shook my head.
"No, I don't really smoke anymore. I haven't smoked for 2 months." I smiled proudly and he huffed.
"Oh bullshit." He winked and took in a drag. I rolled my eyes and looked over at the other guys.
"You guys excited?" I asked and Matt nodded.
"I'm nervous, how many people are out there?" Ron asked, he's Rick's brother and this is his first time performing in front of more than 10 people.
"Maybe 30, you'll be fine."
"Yeah miss I've performed in front of more than 3000 people." I looked down and shook my head.
"Oh gosh, it wasn't that many just small gigs around the states. I'm glad to be back here I miss it here."
"Can I buy you a drink Lauren? I've been trying for months now." Matt asked giving me his little smirk. I shook my head and crossed my arms.
"If it's a friendly drink, sure." I smiled and the guys started to tease him.
"I thought I told you that she doesn't date." Rick said to him and I sighed and looked down at my hand, where the ring still was.
"Oh c'mon, just one date, I'm fun trust me." He pleaded and I shook my head.
"Can't date the people I'm working with." I said; another lame excuse.
"See, you're trying to let me down easy, right?"
"Yeah, pretty much." I winked and looked up at Rick.
"Are you okay? It's been a year." He said putting his cigarette out on the ash tray.
"Yeah I'm fine; I have to buy a place to live though, not crashing with you guys anymore. You smell and Matt gets touchy when he's drunk. Not comfortable sharing a room with him." They started to laugh and Matt looked down and covered his face
"Wait you still like the Camila girl?" Ron asked and I stayed silent for a bit.
"Shut up." I laughed and stood up rubbing my neck and walking towards the door, the owner came in before I got a chance to leave.
"Guys, set up." He said and I went back by them and gave them all a quick hug except Matt, I high fived him before stepping out by the audience.
I went by the back and leaned against the wall; I looked down at my hand and twisted the pearl ring around my finger. I sighed and took it off putting it my pocket. Still a year and I haven't let it go; I haven't been able to forget about her. Hearing her name in conversations was the same as sticking a little needle into my heart. And it made me mad that I was still so hung up over her.
Camila and I kept contact for the first 2 months then we just stopped, we thought it would be best to just forget about each other because we obviously couldn't stand to just be friends, there will always be that tension between us so it was better to stay away for the sake of both of us. I've sort of been okay now living with the fact that I'll probably never see her again. Last time I saw her was at Logan and Emma's wedding.
We spent the night together that day, a night I will never forget, to end things well and to have a nice memory of each other, that's sort of biting me in the ass now because it's been about 8 months and all I can dream about is that night making this harder for me.
I came back here a couple days ago. I've passed by her shop but never had the guts to go in, thought it was probably for the best. She's probably with someone else and to be honest I probably couldn't stand the sight of her with someone that isn't me.
I haven't been able to move on, well have a stable relationship, mostly because of my schedule but also because I didn't want to. No lips were the same as hers, no one touched me the way she did, no one ever made me feel the way she did so I gave up on looking for someone. I thought that it would be better to just focus on myself and on my family. Chris got a job and he has his own apartment now and a girlfriend, and Logan and Emma have a baby on the way so I want to focus on them. Now that we're all civil with each other I don't want things to get messed up so I'm keeping both Chris and Logan in check.
As the guys were introducing themselves, I heard the bell by the entrance of the bar ring so I looked seeing a few people stepping in. There was couple who walked in and made their way to the front of the stage and then felt like my heart stopped, long brunette locks were all I saw as the girl closed the door of the bar, she turned and as soon as she did my breath caught in my throat. She still looked as beautiful as she was when I saw her a few months back. Her face was serious as she crossed her arms and walked up to the bar ordering a drink. I watched her every step and the way she moved. I saw her grab a beer and she turned on her stool turning her attention to the stage where Rick was performing. She then looked down at her glass and put it on the bar; she put her hands on her knees and looked up locking eyes with me. Her lips parted and her eyes widened a bit.
I licked my lips and smiled shyly before adverting my gaze, I looked up once more and she smiled and looked down turning on her stool so she was giving me her back. I put my hands in my pockets and took a deep breath making my way towards the bar. As much as my head keeps telling me to drop it my heart is telling me that it's been months since I've seen her so why not start over new, I'm not leaving anymore and I sure as hell won't let this opportunity to fix things pass by. So I decided to listen to my heart and go with starting over. I took my hands out of my pockets and fixed my hair. I gently put a hand on her shoulder as I sat on the stool right next to hers.
"Hi, how may I help you?" The bartender came up to me and I smiled and removed my hand from her shoulder.
"I'll have whatever the pretty lady next to me is having." I said and he nodded. I turned to face her now and she was looking down and her beer with a goofy little smile.
"Hi, I'm Lauren." I said and she looked up a bit confused but I was hoping she'll play along.
"I'm Camila." She turned to me and I smiled wide.
"Can I buy you a drink?" I asked and she looked down and shrugged.
"I don't know, can you?" She said and I laughed.
"Not buying you a drink now for being a smartass." I winked and grabbed the beer the bartender handed to me.
"Okay, let's start over." She put her beer down and took a deep breath now fully facing me. She extended her hand out to me and I grabbed it.
"Hi, I'm Camila Cabello." She said with a smile as she started to shake my hand.
"Lauren Jauregui." I blushed and she slowly pulled her hand away.
"Are you knew in town, haven't seen you before." She smirked and brought the glass to her lips taking a sip.
"Just moved back actually, taking over Rick Fox's shop. He's the one performing up there." I pointed to the stage and I saw her jaw drop.
"Wait, so you live here, permanently?" She asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, pretty much. Before I go any further with this, are you single?" I asked and took a sip, she laughed and nodded.
"Just got out of a relationship actually, didn't work out." She said and I felt my stomach turn knowing she had been with someone else.
"How come?"
"Well, still hung up over an ex. Relationships haven't been doing so well with me." She looked at me and I nodded.
"Same." At this I saw her blush and look away from me.
"That sucks."
"Not really, time always finds a way to fix things." I smiled and put my drink down.
"Guess you're right."
"Alright guys, this song is called Falling for you by the 1975. Hope you guys like it." Rick said and looked over by my, he smiled big and winked at me.
"Oh I love this song." She said and I stood up and extended my hand towards her.
"Would you like to dance?" I asked and she grabbed my hand and hopped off her stool.
"I'd love to." I pulled her close to me so our bodies were now touching, I wrapped my arms around her waist as hers draped over my shoulders. We started to sway from side to side our forehead now resting on each other's. I closed my eyes and smiled.
"So what brings you here, to the gig? You don't seem like the type of girl that comes to bars regularly." I asked and opened my eyes. She bit her lip and looked down resting her head on my shoulder. I laughed and grabbed her arm making her pull away and do a little spin. She giggled and crashed back into my arms.
"Well, gigs remind me of someone so I come to as many as I can because it makes it feel like is she was here with me." I moved my face so that our cheeks were pressed together, she held me close to her and I took a deep breath, taking in her scent that I missed so much.
"That someone is lucky." I said against her ear and I felt her nod.
We pulled away and started to sing along to the chorus of the song. She laughed and played with my hair as I kept her close to me by keeping my arms on her hips. I kissed her cheek as the song ended and she pulled away keeping her eyes locked on mine, I looked down at her lips and she smirked. I swallowed hard and looked up again.
"Can I buy you a drink now?" I asked and she giggled.
"Yeah, you can." She looked up and I helped her back on her stool.
"Two more, please." I said and the bartender nodded.
"How long are we going to keep going with this little game, Lauren?" She asked and I shook my head.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I just met you." She shook her head and moved closer to me.
"You're very pretty, stranger. Annoying if I may add." She said and I turned to her, she grinned and I bit bottom lip to try to hide my smile.
"You're beautiful." I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and she placed her hand over mine. She slid her hand down my arm and pulled then she let it drop so that it was now resting on my thigh.
"I bake." She said and I raised an eye brow and pinched her cheek.
"Congratulations." I winked and she shook her head and laughed.
"I own a shop, Dolce. It's a couple blocks from here."
"Really? I'll have to go in sometime." I grabbed the drink and raised my glass at her.
As the gig went on Camila and I got closer to each other, old memories were coming back and feelings were now all over the place for me, this game was going pretty well actually.
"Is it okay if I walk you home?" I asked as she got off her stool.
"Yeah that would be nice." I paid for our drinks and we stepped out of the bar hand in hand.
"Where do you live?" I asked and she bumped her shoulder with mine and rolled her eyes.
"I think you should have gone into acting instead of Logan." She muttered and I squeezed her hand.
"Just play along, don't be mean." I said and she sighed.
"I love really close by."
"This is a nice place." I said looking around and she tightened her grip on my hand.
"If you want I'll show you around, since you just moved back, they've added a lot of new stuff, like there's a bowling alley now and this Cuban restaurant." She said and I nodded.
"Are you asking me out?" I teased and she let go of my hand and pushed my lightly.
"Ew no." She crossed her arms and stepped into her building. I stood outside and she looked at me.
"All the way to my door, please." I smiled broadly and nodded walking inside the building.
We got to her door and I put my hands in my pocket.
"My step brother used to live here." I pointed to Logan's door and she nodded.
"Ah yes, I knew him. He moved not to far away from here, the apartment just went for sale." She said.
"Really? I'll look into buying it. Hope you don't mind being me being your neighbor if I do buy it."
"That would be interesting."
"It was nice meeting you, Camila." I turned to her and she looked down biting on her bottom lip.
"It was nice to finally meet you too, Lauren." She looked up and I sighed and moved closer to her kissing her cheek. She then wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug.
"Can we stop with this game; I really want to kiss you." She mumbled against my neck and I laughed lightly.
"Why would I kiss someone I just met?" I joked and she pulled away and placed her hands on my shoulders.
"Really Lauren?" She smirked and I shrugged and pinched her cheek.
"I don't kn-" And my words were muffled by her lips crashing on mine, I whimpered as her hands cupped my cheeks, her touch was softer than I could remember; feather light. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist; she pulled away briefly before connecting our lips again. I smiled and pulled away quickly with a giggle; I licked my lips and pushed her away. I looked down and put a hand through my hair, I then looked up at her and she had her hand over her lips.
"At least let me take you out on a date first, Miss Cabello." I said and she laughed and grabbed my arm opening her apartment door and dragging me inside.
"You look prettier with your mouth shut, Miss Jauregui."
"A coffee at least?" I pulled my arm out of her grasp and stepped out of her apartment.
"Lauren Michelle Jauregui if you step out of this building don't ever come back because I'm not going to be able to stand the hurt of you leaving me again." She pointed at me and I looked down.
"Jeez, you don't have to yell at me." I slowly stepped inside her apartment and shut the door.
"Please don't leave again." She ran up to me and grabbed my face making me look into her eyes, I nodded and pulled her closer to me.
"I promise." I said softly.
"You're in me, remember? I still love you as much as I did last time I saw you and I never went a day without thinking about you." I continued and she nodded and bit her lip.
"Can it be you and me again? No leaving, no distance just you and me." She said and I kissed her forehead.
"I'm going to try my very best because I'm not fucking up this chance ever again."

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