Chapter 6

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Camila's POV

I woke up early today, well at the usual time for me to get my morning routine going. I got my workout clothes on and grabbed my iPod and headed out of the building for my morning jog. A couple of blocks from the building there was a park, I really love jogging here it clears my mind and gets me ready for things to come throughout the day, as I entered the park I felt the slight morning breeze that sent shivers all over my body, the smell of freshly cut grass filled my lungs and Ed Sheeran's amazing voice filled my ears, it was pretty perfect to be honest.

I was jogging down a path when I saw a guy maybe around his 30's playing guitar against a tree, bringing Lauren into my mind, well actually she's never left, I found myself thinking about Lauren a lot even though I've known her for a couple of days, she is really fun to be around and is one of the most attractive girls I know, she's pretty funny and is really adorable even though she probably doesn't see it, the way she would look down and smile when we were talking it was really cute. I don't know how I feel about Lauren though, I don't know if I would date her I mean I've never dated a girl before and I just met her so who knows what may happen the more I get to know her. I'd sure like to.

I was exiting the park and turning to go back to the building again, my jogs are usually about 20 minutes or so and I was reaching my mark, I was approaching a magazine stand close to my building when I saw what looked like Lauren, from behind at least, the hair looked exactly the same as hers, I stopped for a moment to catch my breath and saw the girl turn to the side to look at a magazine, it was Lauren and she was holding a pack of cigarettes in her hand. I sighed and rolled my eyes, it really bothered me that she smoked, it's such a bad and gross habit, she's too beautiful to ruin herself that way, she turned again giving me her back and I smirked.

I started running towards her and I got up to her and grasped her sides. "Boo!" I said and she squealed and turned.

"Jesus Christ Camila!" She said putting a hand on her forehead.

"A 'boo' scares you? You're lame." I said and she smiled and stuck the pack of cigarettes in her back pocket and handed the man some money.

"The 'boo' didn't scare, the sweaty little girl that squeezed my sides did."

I gasped and shoved her. "I am not a little girl." I said stepping closer to her, she poked my shoulder and pushed me away from her.

"Don't bring your sweaty self that close to me." She said and I got close to her again.

"Seriously you are the most annoying person I've ever met." She said looking at me and I did the shrug I knew she liked; she flared her nostrils and looked away.

"No." She said and I ran in front of her.

"If you do it again I will never talk to you." She warned and I crossed my arms giving her a smirk, she shook her head and started running towards the building.

"You really think you can outrun me?" I shouted and she turned and gave me the finger I laughed and started running up to her as fast as I could even though it wasn't really necessary, I passed her easily and made my way inside our building.

She then surprisingly caught up to me and pushed me to the wall slightly as she ran passed me and up the stairs.

"Cheater!" I said and she laughed loudly, we made it to our hall and she winked at me and stretched.

"Beat ya." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"You're a cheater, not fair." I said going to my door and opening it, she walked in before me and I tilted my head to the side and looked at her.

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