Chapter 49

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Lauren's POV
I got some pillows, blankets and towels from my apartment and took them down to the truck, I then quickly drove back to Camila's building, I saw she was standing inside looking out the window so I honked and she came out, she ran over and got in the truck.
"Where are we going?"
"Swimming." I said and she furrowed her eyebrows.
"Just go with it." I began to drive and I turned on the radio.
I drove until I reached a small lake, it was away pretty secluded. I parked the truck close to the shore and stepped out with the blankets and pillows. I took them to the box of the truck and made a little bed with the blankets and the pillows. Camila stood by me and she smiled.
"What's this?" She asked and I helped her up to be where I was. I sat Indian style resting my back against the side of the box. She sat close right across from me.
"Camz." I said and she looked down and took my hands in hers. I held them and brought them to graze my lips placing a soft kiss on each of her knuckles. She moved closer so our knees were touching each others.
"I moved back here, with intention of having another chance with you, because I knew that we have isn't over. I'm madly in love with you Camila; I've never had such feelings for anyone else in my life. You're someone I need, you're someone I crave. You're like a drug that has made its way into my bloodstream making you addictive. You're someone that is hard to live without and I really don't know how I'm going to be able to keep going because of what's going to happen right now." I closed my eyes taking a deep breath.
"Lauren, you're scaring me." She said tightening her grip on my hands.
"I'm not going to be able to stay here close to you. But before I get to spend any more time with you, the little time I have left before I have to leave again I want to tell you that you're the love of my life. And I'll never love anyone else as much as I love you." My eyes teared up and she looked at me confused.
"Babe, I don't understand."
"Okay, I will only be here from time to time. It won't be stable, I'll be leaving for New York again for performances tomorrow night then I'll be in San Francisco the next week and so on. I'll barely be able to come home."
"But that's your choice, you dropped the label." She let go of my hands and kept her gaze on me.
"It's my job Camila exactly like how the shop is yours and you can't leave it. Mine has me moving around a lot though."
"I thought that having you back here now would let us be together again." She started to tear up but she looked away from me.
"So did I and I'm so sorry."
"Can't we find some sort of way?"
"We did before and look where that got us, I don't want anything long distance because it doesn't work out. As much as you'd want it to it just doesn't." She whimpered and covered her face.
"I don't want to cause us this pain again and this is not easy for me to do." My lips trembled as I spoke.
"You're the only person I'd ever want to be with and I don't think I'll ever be with anyone the way I was with you." She let out a small sob and I bit my lip to stifle a cry, tears spilling down my face.
"Camila look at me." I croaked out and she shook her head as she gasped for air. I moved her hands from my face and lifted her up face by her chin, her cheeks were stained with tears, I ran my thumbs across them softly wiping the tears away. She moved my hands away and straddled my lap nuzzling my neck.
"You deserve someone that's going to be here for you, and I can't do that. I can't give you want you want."
"But I want you." She mumbled against my neck and I swallowed hard hugging her close to me.
"I want you too, baby." I said burying my face against her soft hair. I took a deep breath and hugged her tighter.
"I understand." She said making me pull away.
"I can't be selfish about this. I understand that this is how your life is going to be like. And I wish that I could be a part of it as much as I wish that you could be a part of mine." She said slowly shaking her head.
"This is it." I said squeezing my eyes shut a letting out a sharp breath.
"I'm going to miss you so much." She said putting her hands on my shoulders.
"I love you, Camila and I always will." I choked out and she cupped my cheeks.
"Can we just have one last night?" She sniffled and inched closer to my face resting her forehead against mine.
"Before you leave I just want you one last time, to laugh with you and joke around with you, to kiss you and feel your touch; just one last time." She sighed out her hands taking place on my neck.
I brushed my nose against hers and closed my eyes. Her hands snuck into my hair as I slowly grazed my lips on hers the action making my chest want to burst and my body start to burn. I wrapped my hands around her waist pulling her body impossibly close to mine. I opened my eyes just a bit, finding her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted. I then closed my eyes against and hesitantly close the gap between us. My chest started to thump and my lips felt on fire. Her lips were softer than ever against mine. I lingered there wanting to memorize the way her lips molded with mine, every ridge on them because I probably won't get the chance to touch them again. Her tears mixed with mine as she pulled my face closer and started to move her lips. I grasped tightly on her shirt as the kiss deepened. My lips latched onto her jaw line as I pulled away because of the lack of oxygen.
"I love you." I said against her neck she arched it back and whimpered as I sucked on her pulse point. I then moved up laying her back against the blankets, my hands went to the top of her stomach and I started to tickle her. She pulled her hands out of my hair and she pushed on my shoulders. I moved my hands to tickle her sides as I straddled her and then I moved my face down taking her bottom lip in mine. Her giggling stopped as the tickling turned into light massaging. I nibbled on her bottom lip and snuck my hands inside her shirt. I then bit on her lip and pulled away letting it go. She took her bottom lip in her mouth and sucked on it then smiled up at me.
She played with the ends of my hair that fell over my shoulder as I went in push up position, and then I rest my elbows right above Camila's shoulder. I scratched the top of her head and bit the tip of her nose making her laugh. She wrapped her arms around me and I pecked her lips softly.
"How were we going to swim?" She asked, I put my hands on the top of her head and kissed her cheek.
"In our underwear." I kissed her lips softly and got off of her taking my shirt off.
"Really?" She sat up and I nodded unbuttoning my jeans.
"Yeah." I kicked my shoes off and took off my jeans; I then jumped out of the truck.
"Coming?" I asked putting my hands on my hips; she stood up and looked me up and down.
"Have you been working out?" She asked and I laughed lightly and shook my head.
"Not really, sometimes here and there I hit the gym." I winked and she took her shirt off and I looked down.
"Why so shy? Not like you haven't seen me like this before." I looked up slowly and she took her jeans off.
"Help me?" She asked and I moved over to the tailgate, she put one leg over and then the other, I grabbed her waist and she jumped up wrapping her legs around my waist, she then kissed my lips gently. I put her down and she smiled against my lips.
"Thank you." She kissed my cheek and I grabbed her hand running towards the water.
"Wait no, is the water cold?" She let go of my hand and I turned and shrugged.
"Just come."
"You go in first."
"Alright." I walked in the water and widened my eyes at how cold it was. I got in until the water was covering up to my hips.
"Not cold at all." I turned to her and she squinted her eyes as she looked at me.
"I'm not lying, just come it's not cold." I splashed a bit of water and tried to concentrate so I wouldn't shiver.
"No, I don't want to now." I flared my nostrils and walked out of the water.
"Come here, Camzi." I said and she giggled and backed away from me.
I ran up to her quickly and wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her to me.
"No!" She yelped and I picked her up bridal style and started running towards the water.
"Lauren I swear to god."
"What?" I got to the shore and the cold water now reached my ankles.
"Stop!" She yelped as I threw her into the water.
She resurfaced and glared at me. I smiled and she moved her wet hair from her face.
"I hate you so much." She said threw quivering lips.
"Aw are you cold?" I teased and she crossed her arms. I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her, she rest her head against my shoulder and I started to move deeper into the water.
The water now went up to the middle of my back, but it didn't really feel cold anymore as I held Camila close to me. A sudden shiver went through my body and Camila started to shiver.
"This is stupid, we're going to get a cold." I said rubbing Camila's back and now getting out of the water. She looked up and laughed.
"You're so cute." She kissed my collar bone and I picked her up once we were at the shore. We got back to the truck and I set her down, I reached over the tailgate and grabbed a couple of towels. I put mine between my legs and spread the other one, I wrapped it around Camila's body and rubbed her arms I then helped her up into the box and I got in, after she was on I wrapped the towel around me and she quickly wrapped a blanket around her and laid down, resting her head on one of the pillows.
"Lie with me." She lifted the blanket she was under and I lied with her, she put the blanket over us and scoot closer to me, she was lying on her side facing me, I turned on my side as well, our heads bumping.
"Ouch." She said bringing her hand to her forehead and giggling. I laughed and removed her hand and kissed her forehead.
"I'm sorry." I moved even closer to her, our legs now intertwining.
"I don't want this night to end." She said as I wrapped my arms around her waist and she rest her head on my chest.
"Me neither."
"I don't want to know what it's going to be like after tomorrow." She muttered and I took a deep breath. I couldn't cry anymore, at this point I had to be strong.
"Just remember I'll always love you, okay? I'll come back and visit when I can."
"Yeah but it won't be the same." She started to run her finger across collarbone.
"What do you mean?"
"I won't be able to kiss you, and we won't be able to do this."
"Don't mention it, please." I let out a breath and rubbed her back up and down.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
And those were the last words we said to each other before I left.
A/N: Next chapter is the last chapter.

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