Chapter 7

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Lauren's POV

I got down to the park at 5 to 9; I haven't jogged since I was in high school so Camila was going to whoop my ass today, I started to stretch and I put my hair up in a loose ponytail, I looked around the park now being almost 1 to 9 and Camila was nowhere to be found, I rolled my eyes and put my headphones on and walked over to a grassy area and sat down.

I was relaxed and enjoying my music when someone squeezed my sides sat down behind me, I looked back quickly and saw Camila's goofy smile, she wrapped me up between her legs and I smiled.

"Did I scare you?" Her hot breath hit against my cheek as she rubbed my exposed sides. My breath hitched and I got up quickly.

"Nope, I'm ready to jog!" I said faking excitement and calming my breathing, the effect this girl has on me already... When I got up I saw a bit of disappointment in her eyes but she smiled and got up.

"Me too, by the way for not working out you have a great body, very toned." She said pointing to my abs.

"Who says I don't work out?" I winked and started to jog away from her.

"Hey, wait up!" She said catching up to me.

She smacked my ass and started to run. "Hey!" I shouted and she giggled. I picked up my pace and got up to her pinching her butt cheek.

"OW!" She said and smacked my arm hard making me trip and fall onto the grass; she stopped and started to laugh.

"Yeah thanks for helping me up you twat." I said getting up and dusting my ass off; she walked up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry." She said and pulled away kissing my cheek.

"You're not sorry." I said and pushed her out of my way and started to jog again.

"Yes I am! I so didn't mean to do that." She said jogging next to me.

"I'm not jogging with you ever again." I said picking up my pace.

"Oh c'mon! What can I do to prove to you how sorry I am?" She caught up to me and stood in front of me.

I stopped before I crashed into her.

"I'll bake for you." She pouted and I crossed my arms.

"What else?" I said and she bit her lip.

"I don't know." She said looking down and shifting from side to side.

"Okay, just bake for me." I said and she sighed.


We ran for what seemed like an hour and stopped at a small pond in the park; I threw myself on the grass and closed my eyes.

"Lauren, stop being so lazy. Get up."

"No, I'm not running anymore." I said and turned to lie on my back.

She came by me and sat next to me, I looked up at her, her face was glowing, her abs were contracting and even though she was a sweaty mess she still managed to look cute. She looked down at me and smiled.

"What are you looking at?" She said and I looked away from her and sat up.

"You're sweaty, ew." I said.

"Like you're not? You're all red and puffy." I gasped and she giggled.

"I thought this was supposed to make me skinny not puffy." I said and she scoot closer to me.

"You're not puffy; you actually look cute, even if you're sweaty." She said and I blushed and looked away from her before she could see that I was blushing.

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