Chapter 10

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Lauren's POV

I walked to Camila's shop, Dolce, about 30 minutes earlier than she had said to. I was making my way down the block when I saw a line of people waiting to get into the shop. I guess Camila's little promo spree, that she obviously dragged me into, paid off.

I stopped once I got to the front of the shop. There was a big shop sign that read 'Dolce' with a cupcake at the end of the 'e'. I looked through the glass door and saw Camila rushing around inside. Her hair was a bit messy and she had frosting on the tip of her nose. She came to a sudden stop and looked in my direction. A wide grin spread across her features. I waved at her and she came towards the door to let me in, before peeking outside and quickly waving at the line of people.

It was a small space; a few tables were set up at the end, and there was a small platform big enough to fit a microphone, stool and a guitar amp. On the other side was a line of showcases already starting to fill with pastries.

"What do you think?" She asked, standing beside me.

"It looks great but..." I put my guitar case down and turned to face her. I brought my hand up to the tip of her nose and took the icing off.

"Okay, now you're good," I said as she wiped my finger off with her apron.

She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You did a great job," I said.

She beamed and then looked down. "I wish I could stay and talk to you but the idiots that are working for me can't do anything right, so."

"Just take a deep breath. Relax," I said, wrapping my arms around her waist. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She placed her other hand on my shoulder and exhaled slowly. She smiled but remained silent.

"Nope, didn't work. Thanks for trying, though," she said.

She kissed my cheek quickly before loosening from my grasp and running off to the back of the shop. "Set up, get comfortable!" She shouted.

I laughed to myself as I picked up my guitar case and walked up to the platform. I started to set up the microphone as Camila rushed out of the back with a tray of pastries, placing them inside of a showcase.

"I'm not buying anything from here, just so you know," I said into the microphone to test it out.

She looked up, spooked, and then stuck her tongue out at me.

"You still have to bake for me; I'm just performing because I'm nice," I said.

She rolled her eyes and took a cupcake out of the showcase and walked over by me. "Open up," She said

I smirked and shook my head.

She grabbed my jaw roughly, pulling it down with her free hand. I whined and opened my mouth. She stuck the cupcake in and smiled sweetly.

"Fresh out of the oven." She poked my nose and walked away.

I grabbed the cupcake from my mouth taking a bite out of it. It was the best cupcake I'd ever tasted; moist and rich.

"That was uncalled for, but the cupcake is amazing," I said into the microphone.

She turned around and clapped. "Good!"

I winked and finished up the cupcake before wiping my hand on my jeans and taking my guitar out of its case. I sat on the stool and began to tune it, then started to play a few random chords to warm up. I was focused on what I was doing when I felt as if I was being stared at. I looked up and saw Camila turn quickly, twirling the ends of her hair and awkwardly walking to the back.

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