Chapter 45

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Lauren's POV
A couple months passed by and I found myself leaving New York and moving back to California. I took this time to myself and I saw that this isn't what I wanted. I'd rather be doing my own thing, playing gigs every once in a while but being stable in my own home. Not having anyone boss me around. Not being around people I don't even like. I've been feeling much better and I haven't thought much about Camila but knowing that I'm just a couple buildings away from her was nerve-wracking. I haven't had any sort of contact with her whatsoever, I don't know how she's doing or if she even still remembers me. I don't know if she's seeing anyone or if she's single. I am still in love with her. I don't think that would ever change, she's a part of me. She's in my bloodstream and that's not gonna change. I'll always be hers and I hope deep down that she still feels the same way. I hope that she's missed me as much as I have missed her.
I walked into my new apartment, it was small and cozy, filled with boxes that I had shipped from New York and some that Logan kept in a storage room. The walls were a dull champagne color which I would obviously paint over. There was a small twin sized mattress in the corner of the living room. I sighed and stepped out of the apartment not wanting to do anything just yet.
"Boo!" Someone poked my sides harshly and I yelped and jumped up.
"You ass!" I laughed and smacked Logan's arm.
"Do you like it? If you don't we could always find something else." He said stepping inside the apartment.
"I'll get used to it." I followed him and placed a hand over one of the many boxes laid out in the empty space.
"There's an apartment in my building, next door to me." He said and I shook my head.
"No uh I'm not sure no, I'll stay here." I said quickly and looked down.
"You can't stay away from her for any longer. I've talked to her." He said and I walked up to the mattress and sat on it.
"Oh yeah?"
"I didn't tell her you moved back here again, she still thinks you're in New York. She's doing better, her shop showed up on the paper. It's doing really well and she's very happy about that. She looks better and is currently single." He winked.
"Has she mentioned me?" I asked shyly and he sat next to me.
"Her feelings are still the same, trust me. I went into her apartment the other day, she invited Emma and I over for dinner. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and her bedroom door was open and as nosy as I am, I went inside." He laughed at himself and put an arm around me.
"On her nightstand there is a picture of you two, I checked her stereo and the CD you sent was in there. The scrapbook you got her is on top of her dresser, it was open with pictures of the last time you each other and some of Skype calls you had later on I think." I smiled and looked down as a blush crept on my cheeks.
"The ugly monkey was on her bed and I saw a sweater of yours on the monkey." He rubbed my arm and I felt my eyes get glassy but I cleared my throat and looked up.
"She says she hopes you're doing well and that she loves you." He kissed my temple and I couldn't wipe the smile of my face.
"That's good to know." I sighed out in relief and he stood up opening a box.
"No, I don't want to unpack just yet." I said and he turned and nodded.
"Can we paint this place? The color makes me sick." He said and I nodded.
"We need paint though."
"Let's go."
"Afterwards we should go see Camila." He said and I laughed and pushed him making him fall against the wall.
"I'm not ready. Don't push it; I'll see her when I'm ready."
Camila's POV
"I can't do this." I said pacing back and forth and Mary sighed.
"I told you not to do it, you didn't listen, what did I tell you? Oh yes to say no, but you said yes and now I can say I told you so, right?" She blurted out and I rolled my eyes.
"I thought it would be a good idea to at least agree on a date with him." I said and Mary shook her head feverishly.
"NO!" She shouted and smacked my arm.
"Stop it, you're stupid." She said again and I pouted.
"I have to start getting over her." I said fixing my hair in the mirror, there was a knock on my door and I went towards the door but was pulled back roughly making me fall against the couch. Mary opened the door just a bit.
"Hi is Camila here?" I heard John's voice. I had met him in a café nearby and he asked me out on a date right away, I was iffy at first but I said yes. I didn't like him, I barely knew him.
"No, sorry Camila? She doesn't live here. I live here, Mary that's my name and this is my apartment. Camila the previous owner that doesn't live here, she lives in San Francesco go look for her there, pal." She shut the door and turned back to me.
"Are you nuts?" I hissed out and she shook her head again.
"Doing you a favor, now only dress like that if you're going to go see Lauren." She said and I rolled my eyes.
"He's ugly anyway." She cringed and I groaned but deep down I was relieved.
"She's in New York doing her thing." I slowly took my heels off and Mary gave me a slight nudge on my head.
"Call her." She said and I laughed.
"Okay, so if you're not gonna call her take all the pictures you have of her away from the apartment and move on." She said raising her eyebrow and I glared at her.
"Then call her."
"Get out." I pushed her towards the door and she pushed me back.
"Leave, right now." I opened the door and pushed her out and slammed the door shut.
I jumped on my couch and picked up the picture from on the coffee table. Lauren was hugging my from behind and kissing my shoulder. It was taken back when we first started dating.
"Fuck, she's right." I said putting the frame against my chest. I got up and started to pick up all the picture frames that had a picture of Lauren and I, I grabbed an empty box from my closet and put them in there. I walked into my room and my hands trembled as I grabbed our scrapbook. I skimmed through it and I felt a knot in my throat. I put the scrapbook in the box and moved to the stereo where the CD she sent me was. I grabbed it put it in its case and then placed it in the box. I want to my pajama drawer and grabbed the clothing she had left behind or that I had taken. I put them on top of my bed and set the box down.
"I can do this." I said to myself as I grabbed the clothes and put them in the box, I stopped once I saw one of her favorite sweaters. I grabbed it and brought it up to my face and smelled it. Surprisingly it still smelled like her. I sighed and shook my head.
"Nope, can't do it." I took my dress off and threw it aside and put on the sweater. I was warm and I felt comfortable and safe in it. I took the clothes out of the box again and placed them in my drawer. I grabbed everything that was in the box and placed it back to their spot. I then walked towards my phone and picked it up.
I scrolled through my contacts until I found her name, I stared at it for a bit and then locked my phone. I closed my eyes and tossed my phone onto my bed. I groaned and threw myself on the bed.
There was a knock on my door again and I sighed getting up, I walked towards the door and opened it.
"Go away Mary." I said closing the door again.
"I left my happy meal in there." She said and I laughed and looked around for the happy meal.
"Mine now." I said as I laid eyes on it.
"No!" She tried opening the door but I had locked it.
"If you don't unlock this door and I swear I'll call Lauren right now." She threatened and I huffed.
"You don't have her number!"
"Logan will gladly give it to me." She said and I groaned knowing he would. I grabbed the box and opened the door and handed it to her. Logan was walking down the hall, his shirt was drenched in paint and he had paint on his face and hair too, he was looking down at his phone. He then looked up and smiled once he saw me.
"Hey there neighbor!" He said opening his door. Mary grabbed the happy meal out of my hands and walked away.
"Painting?" I asked and he cleared his throat and nodded.
"Yeah, helping a friend out." He turned to me and crossed his arms.
"That's nice. Have you um heard anything about Lauren?" I asked shyly and he nodded.
"Yeah, just talked to her actually." He smirked and I nodded.
He shrugged and opened his door stepping into his apartment.
"Gee I don't remember." He winked and closed his door.
I glared at the door and went back into my apartment. I needed to call her.

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