Age is just a number, after all. (Chapter 24)

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"I will be there if you stay, and I will be there if you leave."

Mr. Harkets words echoed through your mind. Even hours, even days after you had met.

Although you were glad that he wouldn't be angry no matter what you'd decide on, it was still tearing you apart. He was showing you such a selfless kind of love, it was unconditional and deep.
Why was he like this? You still couldn't comprehend.
You couldn't even say that this gave you an actual feeling of relief, either. You were still facing the choice of your future - with or without him.

Life went on as usual. It seemed like the entire world was turning faster, while you were treading on the spot. Everything was a blur, as you silently fought your inner battle with your emotions.
Mr. Harket showed himself patient and understanding. However, you felt like a part of him must have been torn as well. You felt bad for not being able to give him a definite answer.

One day, he surprised you with a rather exciting idea.

Hello love,
I hope you slept well. Listen, I have an idea. What do you think about visiting an amusement park together? The next one is quite a few kilometres away, so we most likely will not have to worry about anyone seeing us together - at least not anyone we might know.
I would love to spend a day with you at a fun place like this. What do you think?
Best wishes,

An amusement park sounded like fun to you. Besides, the idea of going there with only the person you love was really romantic.
The thought alone made you grin like an idiot.

You texted him that you liked- no, loved his idea.

In midst of your excitement you almost forgot an important factor.
What would you tell your mum?

Sure, you could've use the old "I'm going with my friends" excuse, but this may be getting difficult.

She could be asking why you didn't take any pictures, or she might even call and ask to say hi to the girls. There were so so many things that could go wrong.
But maybe, you thought, just maybe - you were worrying too much. Your anxiety was skyrocketing even more after Mr. Harket had just shown up on your doorstep one day when you'd been sick.

Sometimes you'd try to imagine breaking the news to your mum, and just coming clear. You knew she'd love you no matter what, but would she understand?
Would she be able to understand how someone could date their bullies' father? Or how something like this would come to be?

Besides the judgement, your worst fear was what they might think of Mr. Harket. He wasn't a predator, or anything like that. He'd never forced you into anything, he expressed his own concerns and the struggle with his feelings from the very beginning. He would never trick a young woman into anything funny, would he? No, that was out of the question. He would never.

A few days later, you handed in your vacation application for when the two of you planned on going to the amusement park. All in all you'd planned on taking one whole week off, which luckily was granted by your boss.

With these good news, Mr. Harket picked out a date for you to go to the park.
It came with a twist, though.
He talked to you on the phone about it.

"Listen, (y/n), I booked us tickets. For two days."

"What do you mean, two?"

"They had a special offer for two days, with one night in the resort hotel inclusive."

"That means...", you said hesitantly.

"That means", he explained, "We're staying the night in the park's hotel. Together."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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Age is just a number, after all. (Morten Harket x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now