Age is just a number, after all. (Chapter 10)

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The following hours, you tried to distract yourself somehow by doing homework, reading or doing some chores.

Lost in thoughts, you scrubbed the kitchen counter so much that you could almost see your reflection in it.

Mr. Harket just wouldn't leave your head. Again.

However, you were rather worried about him at the moment. You kept wondering what Jakob had done or what had happened to him.

I hope they're both okay, you thought.

The hours went by and there was no text from him. It was not like you'd blame him, though. He was probably having a lot to do right now. Dealing with the police luckily was something you've never had to do before, so you didn't know what exactly could have been happening at the police station. And therefore, you didn't quite know when it would be realistic to expect a text from him.

You looked at the clock. It was almost 5pm. You assumed that your mother and sister would be home relatively soon. In an attempt to distract yourself, you took out your phone and texted her, asking when they'd be back.

A few minutes later, your phone buzzed and your mother's reply popped up on your screen.

Well, guess who got into traffic jam again! We're not even halfway home. I'm not sure how long this will take. There are some leftovers in the fridge in case we won't be there in time for dinner. Hugs and kisses.

- Mum

You suppressed a giggle. Your mother really had the worst luck when it came to traffic.

- - -

After another hour the front door opened and your mother and Mia stumbled into the house.

"We're back!"

You sat on the sofa and watched the news. "Hi!"

Watching the news was a rather successful attempt of getting your mind off of things. There was so much nonsense and unfortunate incidents happening in the world, it nearly made you forget your troubles. Most of it was politicians rambling about campaigns and climate change, however. As if that would have been doing any good.

Mia took of her shoes and ran up to you, jumping onto the sofa next to you.

Between big yawns, she went on and on about what had happened today and how one of her friends had almost fallen into a pond but luckily had gotten his underwear caught up on a pole, which had prevented him from falling down.

"You should have seen it! He looked like a flag. Only sadder."

"I can imagine", you chuckled.

The three of you had dinner together. Mia had trouble finishing her food, since her eyes kept falling shut.

After all, she managed to finish and your mother got up, dragging her along towards the bathroom. "I guess someone is going to bed a little earlier today. Let's get ready for bed."

You heard Mia mumble something in protest but she was too tired to actually resist, so it more or less was in vain. Watching with a smile as they waddled off to the bathroom down the hallway, you absentmindedly poked your food with your fork.

After a few minutes, you had finished your dinner as well and put your dishes away. On your way to your room you heard Mia discuss with your mother through the closed bathroom door.

"But I did brush my teeth!"

"It wasn't enough, Mia. Your teeth won't stay healthy if you don't clean them properly."

"Aw man! For how long do I have to keep doing this?"

"As long as you need to. It's faster if you do it properly. Let me show you again."

"Awwight. Hoo you delme asjfbgabbj?"

"I don't know what you just said, hun. Just wait until I'm finished."

One of Mia's bad habits was trying to talk why she was brushing her teeth or having her teeth brushed. Chuckling, you went upstairs to your room.

Once there, you grabbed your book and continued to read for a bit. You got so lost in it that the sudden buzzing of your phone startled you.

You reached for your phone.

It showed a message from Mr. Harket.

Dear (y/n),

I'm terribly sorry for texting you that late. I only just got to get a minute by myself. Again, sorry for leaving all that sudden. How has the rest of your day been?

- Morten

You unwillingly smiled at his words. Then, you answered.


No need to apologize, it was an important matter, after all. The rest of my day has been alright. Except for worrying about you all day.
Is everything alright with you and Jakob? What happened?

- Greetings, (y/n)

You squinted at your alarm clock. Nearly 10pm already? Time sure did fly while you'd been reading. Just when you were about to pick up your book, your phone buzzed again.

I'm glad you had a nice day at least.
We're both alright. Sorry for making you worry. As for what happened, I'd rather talk about that in person. Say, are you free tomorrow?

- Morten

Tomorrow was Friday. You didn't have to go to school tomorrow since the authorities apparently decided one day that if Thursday was free anyway, the following Friday should be too. You didn't have anything planned.

I'm free tomorrow, yes. Since there's no school.

- (y/n)

His replies followed almost immediately.

That's good to hear. Jakob is grounded and therefore not allowed to leave the house. How about we meet up in a café? I know a nice one about two or three towns south. That way no one should recognize us. I'll pick you up if you want me to. Let's say, I'll pick you up around 2pm? How does that sound?

- Morten

You were fairly glad that he thought about everything. Now you only had to make up an excuse for going out tomorrow.

Sounds alright to me. Please pick me up at the town square a few blocks away from my house, I'll be waiting there.

- (y/n)

Since you figured he'd answer soon anyway, you kept scrolling around on social media on your phone. It buzzed again after about one minute.

Great! I'm looking forwards to seeing you again, dear. I'll go to sleep now so I'll be fit tomorrow, I suggest you do so too. Sleep is important, I want you to stay healthy.
See you tomorrow.

- Morten

You typed your reply.

I will go to sleep now, too. Good night, sleep well.

- (y/n)

You started getting ready for bed. While grabbing your pajamas and heading for the bathroom, you couldn't wipe that silly smile off your face. Just the thought of his face and his smile, the words he had sent you – it gave you a funny feeling. But somehow, it was a positive one. You were looking forward to tomorrow.

Finally lying in bed, you re-read some of his messages. The fact that he had obviously developed feelings for you, it made you feel incredibly valued. A little bit honored, even. Usually, middle-aged men didn't aim for girls your age; especially not in the circumstances the two of you were in.

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't wrap your head around it. But did it really matter? What mattered, obviously, was how the two of you felt.

And you truly, honestly, started to feel like youwere seriously falling for him.

Age is just a number, after all. (Morten Harket x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now