Age is just a number, after all. (Chapter 21)

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After the first hurdle was over, the two of you spent a long time just holding one another in a warm embrace.

Then you turned to catching up a little more, asking Mr. Harket about everything that had happened in the past months.

He told you about their arrival, them settling in and re-bonding with his family. He and Jakob had agreed to keep most of his background a secret, if he promised to change. And apparently, so he had.

Mr. Harket's expression changed as he told you about how much he had seen his son change in the past few months. His eyes were beaming with relief and happiness, as well as a little pride. It turned out that now, Jakob was also seeing a therapist and was working on his apparent issues. It really seemed like everything had turned out for the best.

You couldn't help but notice a bitter-sweet nuance in his expression. Everything he told you showed his heartache underneath.

"It seems like everything has turned well for Jakob. I'm glad to hear that", you said, smiling politely.

Mr. Harket's brows furrowed a little. It seemed as if he was struggling to analyze your face.

"Bless your heart, (y/n). I truly cannot understand how you can still have no ill will towards my son", he chuckled and looked away briefly.

You smiled and shook your head gently. "Do you really think I have never been able to see his pain? I mean, of course I was hurt and angry every time he decided to harm me in any way. But I also knew that there must be something causing that. However, I never got a chance to look into that until I met you."

"I see."

"And besides that,", you began, "Everything has turned out fine. We're all going our own ways now, so no harm can be done in the future. There is no need to sulk about that."

You could read the emotional conflict in Mr. Harket's face as clearly as a book page. He couldn't let go of the feeling of guilt, it gnawed at him.

You decided that a change of topic might be a good idea.

"So, what have you been up to?"


"I mean, have you been doing anything special back home? Met anyone?"

"I... have been meeting up with an old friend and colleague of mine, and we worked on some music together for the fun of it. We don't know if we will release it, but it sure was nice."

"That sounds great", you said. "What kind of songs did you write?"

Mr. Harket looked at you with a shy smile. "Oh, you know, very sensitive stuff. Soft, melancholic, lonely... kind of like we always have. Only this time, I had strong inspiration."

You nodded. "I heard emotional distress can be very inspiring for many artists."

"That is true for many, but not for all", he said, "However, love is the topic in most cases."

That sentence made you blush. Was he indicating that you had been his inspiration? It was hard to imagine. "That may be, yes."

The two of you looked at each other in warm silence. It felt like coming home after a long time away.

A glimpse at the clock told you that it was time to leave.

"I should probably get going now. I don't want my mum to get suspicious."

Mr. Harket nodded. "Yes, that would probably be best. Should I take you home?"

"Yes, that would be very nice."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He dropped you off about one block away from your house, to be safe. The two of you said a rather awkward goodbye, without too much physical contact.

"It's good you're back", you said and smiled, as you closed the car door behind you.

You didn't look back as you walked to your house.

Lost in thoughts, you almost walked past your home, catching your step just after you crossed the property line. Every move felt different. Sort of numb. You unlocked the front door, stepped in, closed the door behind you.

It felt like your head was stuck in the clouds.

"Oh, there you are!"

A familiar voice snapped you out of your haze. Your mother had noticed you trotting down the hallway.

"Uh, yeah, I'm home."

"Where have you been? Hasn't work ended a while ago already?", she asked.

"Yes, I stumbled across an old friend from school and we got talking and kinda lost track of time", you lied spontaneously.

"Oh, that sounds nice! I hope you had a good time!"

You thanked heavens that your lie had worked so effortlessly. With a nod you left the hallway and disappeared into your room, where you shut the door behind you and tossed yourself onto your bed.

Blanky staring at the ceiling, you tried to process what had happened that day.

He had come back.

He had never meant to leave you.

He was very sorry.

For some reason, you felt incredibly numb.

He had disappeared out of your life so quickly, and for a long time, and now he had re-appeared just as quickly.

You furrowed your brows.

Will I allow that?, you thought.

You had forgiven him in an instant. You knew and understood that he had done what he had needed to do.

However, there was this... feeling that wouldn't let go of you. Was it anger? Was it disappointment? It was hard to tell.

You rubbed your eyes. Then, your phone suddenly buzzed.

Lazily, you dug in your bag to get your phone. The screen showed one new message. It was from Mr. Harket.

Hello dear,

I couldn't help but message you the instant I arrived back at my house. It was so good to see you again after all this time, I still can barely put my feelings into words.

I hope I will get to see you again soon.

- Morten

You sighed and clutched your phone to your chest, rolling onto your back to stare at the ceiling again.

You were sure you felt the same, somehow.

But the feeling was tainted. It wasn't as pure as it used to be. Something was keeping you from feeling happy that he was back in your life. Maybe things had just happened too fast? Maybe you needed some time to adjust to all of the new information? Your racing thoughts started to give you a nasty headache.

Soon you were so exhausted that you fell asleep right then and there.

Age is just a number, after all. (Morten Harket x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now