Age is just a number, after all. (Chapter 7)

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His eyes pinned you down right where you stood. They spoke and asked so much at the same time.

It seemed like they desperately prayed for you to give in. To just succumb to your desires, to him. But at the same time, it looked like he mentally slapped himself for every time this wish crossed his thoughts.

Then, he furrowed his brows, sighed deeply and let his head hang down, looking at the ground. He still held your hands against his chest, refusing to let go, for some reason.

"I'm such a horrible person...", you heard him mutter.

Seeing him like that made your heart sting. He wasn't a horrible person. Anything, but that.

"I wouldn't say so, to be honest", you started carefully, "I think you're kind and caring. And say, Mr. Harket, is it wrong to feel?"

He slowly raised his head. "It most certainly is not. But the circumstances... it's not actually illegal or anything bad like that but... it feels..."

"Wrong?", you asked, trying to finish his sentence.

"Yes. But at the same time, so right."

You nodded slowly. "I see."

He made some kind of a hissing sound and let go of you and started pacing up and down the room again.

"God... I don't know where to put my head."

It was strange, seeing the man that had appeared so mature, calm and collected before now in such a distraught state. It kind of hurt you. You didn't want him to be in so much distress.

You took a step forward.

"Mr. Harket, please. I'm sure it-", you started but were interrupted. A sudden, sharp, stinging pain in your head stopped you and brought you down onto your knees. Everything went blurry, your vision narrowed and blackness started crawling from the corners of your vision towards the center. You could hear Mr. Harket call out to you but it sounded distant and dull. A consistent, loud beeping noise took over and finally led you into unconsciousness.

- - -

When you woke up, your head was alright, there was only a slight throbbing in the back. You were lying down somewhere, that much you could tell. Your vision started to become sharper with each second. And with each second the head and face that was above you became clearer. It was Mr. Harket, looking down at you with a worried expression.

"(y/n)! Thank goodness you're awake. How do you feel?"

Your head was propped up on a pillow, which was lying on his lap. When you realized your position, you blushed a little. Being that close to him still felt strange.

"Uh, I think I'm okay."

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure. All of a sudden there was a sharp sting in my head that brought me down and then I guess I must have lost consciousness."

"You certainly did. Oh dear", he said and gently stroked your cheek, "You really frightened me. I wasn't sure whether I should call an ambulance or not because... the situation wouldn't be easy to explain and... ambulances catch a lot of attention... and..."

His eyes nervously moved from side to side.

"Don't worry, it's alright. I understand. In the best-case scenario an ambulance should have been called but considering the situation... it's okay", you said and smiled gently, raising a hand to touch his cheek but quickly retreating it when you noticed.

Age is just a number, after all. (Morten Harket x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now