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"Aria." He said when he finally saw her. She was lying on the ground, unmoving with a knife lodged into her lower abdomen. "No, no, no. Don't do this to me." He pleaded as he moved closer to where she was, placing his gun back into its holster. He kneeled beside her, placing his hand on her abdomen, hoping to stop the bleeding from the stab wound. As he applied pressure she gave a small grunt of pain and briefly opened her eyes to glance at him as he spoke into his mic. "This is Hotchner. I need a medic now! South side of the basement." He said as he looked from the wound to her face. "Hey" He said with a small smile. She frowned at him, wondering if he was really there or if she was just imagining it.

"Aa...ron?" She asked softly.

He nodded. "Yeah. It's me. I need you to hang on, okay? The medics are on their way. You're going to be fine." He tried to reassure her as his voice wavered slightly. "You have to be. I can't lose you too." He added, softly as he continued putting pressure on her wound, willing the medics to get there faster. He wanted to pull out the knife but if he did, she would probably bleed out before the medics got there. He couldn't risk that happening.

"I'm sorry." She said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I just need you to hang in there a little bit longer." He said as he heard the ambulance sirens.

"I't." She managed to gasp out between breaths. "Hurts." She added as her eyes started to flutter shut.

"Aria. Aria! No, no! Hey, stay with me. Please sweetheart. Just stay with me." He pleaded. "I need a medic now!" He yelled, trying hard to keep his emotions in check.

"He's still here." She said softly as she opened her eyes again, slightly. He turned back towards her with a frown.

"Who?" He asked.

"Myers." She stated. But before he could ask any further questions, he felt a blow to his head from behind which caused him to fall beside Aria, slightly dazed. "No!" He heard Aria shout. He shook his head, fighting to stay conscious. He had been so distracted when he found Aria that he didn't even think to clear the area first. He tried reaching for his gun, but Myers grabbed it first, throwing it across the room.

"You can't save her." He taunted


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