Chapter 22: Why is Everything so Heavy?

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After numerous tests, Aria was deemed stable enough to be moved out of the ICU and into a room on the general surgery floor.

She had finished her round of antibiotics and there were no signs of infection. Her vitals were strong and her doctors were confident that she would make a full recovery. Physically, at least. Whether or not she would recover emotionally was a different story.

Whenever she was asked how she was doing, she would give the same brief answer: 'I'm fine.' Or the occasional, 'Better.'

She barely spoke unless prompted to and avoided talking about what had happened, claiming that she didn't remember much or that she wasn't feeling well. It was obvious that she took Stephany's death very hard. Hotch of all people knew this.

Meanwhile, the team were running on empty and had no leads to find out where Jacob Myers might be hiding out. Their only hope was that Aria might know something that could help them but no one knew how to ask.

"We need her statement, Aaron." Rossi told Hotch as they stood outside Aria's room.

Hotch ran a hand through his hair. "I know." He sighed. "Any progress with Jesse Myers?" He asked.

Jesse Myers had been admitted to the ER late Sunday night with a stab wound to the abdomen. He was conscious long enough to tell the responding officers who had attacked him: None other than his cousin, Jacob Myers.

Jesse, who was a veterinarian, was the closest thing to a doctor Jacob could find. He forced Jesse to treat his bullet wound before he stabbed him and left him for dead.

Rossi shook his head. "No. He and his family are still under protective custody. But Myers hasn't made any contact again."

"Where the hell is this guy?" He asked, frustratingly. "You know I was hoping we'd catch him before Saturday but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen."

"Aria still wants to go, huh?" Dave asked.

"Yeah." He nodded. "And now that she's out of the ICU, there isn't any medical reason to keep her from going." He sighed then watched as Aimee entered Arias' room.

"Hey." Aimee said as she knocked once on Aria's room door. "May I come in?"

Aria turned her head towards her mother then nodded.

"You alright?" She asked.


Aimee nodded. "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier when you were moved."

Aria shrugged. "It's fine. Wasn't a big deal." She said, simply.

"I spoke to your Uncle Matt." She said after a minute of silence. "His flight gets in later today. I'm gonna go pick him up at the airport."

"Good. I miss him." She said with a slight smile.

"He can't wait to see you." Aimee told her, trying to sound excited then sighed when it didn't work.

"Tesoro... I owe you an apology." She said as sat down on the edge of the bed. "I didn't mean to upset you last night."

Aria nodded. "It's fine, Mom. Forget about it." She said, not really wanting to talk about it.

"I can't forget about it. I need to explain why I reacted the way I did." Aimee said.

Aria looked at her mother. "Okay." She agreed softly.

Aimee nodded then took one of Aria's hands and placed it in between her own.

"Everything that's happened this past week has made me think back to the other times you were hurt, starting with the day you were born." She started.

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