Chapter 8: Why do you Have to go and Make Things so Complicated?

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The room was dimly lit as the morning sun had started to rise. Aria slowly opened her eyes as she started to wake up. She frowned, realising that she wasn't alone in her bed. There was a strong arm slung protectively around her waist and she had her arm slightly on his chest while her head rested against his shoulder. For some reason, she didn't want to move. She felt safe.

It took her a while to fully wake up and realized that it was Aaron lying next to her. She shifted slightly then tensed up when she felt him move.

"Good morning." He said softly.

She suddenly pulled away from him which caused him to sit up. "Sorry." She said, feeling embarrassed that she had fallen asleep on him.

He realized this and was quick to assure her that it wasn't a problem. "It's okay." He said with a smile.

She nodded, running a hand through her dark wavy locks. "What time is it?" She asked, changing the subject.

"A little after 7." He replied. "How are you feeling?" He asked her.

"Better." She said. "My head still hurts a little but other than that I'm good."

He nodded. "Good. You look a lot better than you did last night." He said. He saw her frown then realized how that must have sounded.

"Thanks... I think." She said, with a frown.

"I just meant that you don't look as sick as you did..." He trailed off as he watched her raise her eyebrows. "I should just stop talking now before I make it worse." He said.

She laughed lightly. "It's okay. I know what you meant."

He nodded, glad to see the tension in her body dissipate, even though it was at his expense. "Did you sleep okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Surprisingly I did." She replied. "You?" She asked.

"Yes. I did." He said with a smile.

They sat in silence for a minute before she spoke again.

"I can't believe you stayed here." She told him.

"Well, I said I would. Remember?" He said, with a frown.

"No, I mean here. In my room." She told him.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I guess I misjudged how tired I was. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said, feeling kind of silly for falling asleep next to her.

"You didn't." She was quick to assure him. "I was just surprised, that's all."

"You're sure?" He asked.

She nodded then stood up to use the bathroom but stumbled slightly as she tried to walk.

"You okay?" He asked as he gently and grabbed her shoulder to steady her.

"Yeah." She nodded then sat down. "I think I just stood up too fast. I'm fine." She told him. "I should probably take it easy though."

"Yes, you should." He said. "Hey, why don't I make us some breakfast? You should really eat something." He said while standing up.

"Oh, you don't have to. You should spend the day with your family. I'll be okay till my mom gets back." She told him.

"It's okay. I don't mind. I don't have anywhere else to be." He said cautiously.

Aria frowned. "I don't understand." She said, confusion evident on her face.

He sighed then sat down beside her. She turned to face him. He took a breath before he started speaking. "I wasn't completely honest with you about my wife." He confessed, looking out in front of him. She remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

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