Chapter 6: I'm Searching for the Words Inside my Head

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Aria slowly woke up to the sound of soft tapping. Her head was still throbbing and the noise wasn't really helping. She turned her head slightly to the left to see Izzy sitting in a nearby chair, head down and tapping her foot on the wooden floor.

"You know, that's not really helping with my headache." She said with a grin.

Izzy's head immediately shot up. She smiled.

"It's about time you woke up, Sleeping Beauty." She said with a grin of her own. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Okay, I guess." She frowned. "How long have I been out?" She asked.

"About... Ten minutes or so." She replied after checking her watch.

She nodded then frowned. "What happened?" Aria asked.

"You fainted. Well, first you threw up your breakfast then you fainted. If you weren't running a fever, I'd swear you were hung-over." She joked.

"Cute." She replied with a smirk. "I think I'll leave the under-age drinking to you." She said with a raised eyebrow while trying to sit up.

Izzy laughed. "Wait, let me help you." She said as she helped Aria into a sitting position as gently as she could. Aria groaned then grabbed her head.

"If this is how it feels to be hung over, I'm never drinking. Ever."

Izzy laughed as the school nurse came back into the room.

"Good. You're awake." She smiled at Aria then checked her pulse and temperature. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

Aria shrugged. "Except for the headache, I feel fine."

"You're still running a fever. I called your mom a few minutes ago. She should be here soon." Aria nodded.

"Drink this. You need to stay hydrated." She said as she passed Aria a bottle of water. She took a few sips then placed the bottle next to her.

"You should lie down." She said to Aria, then placed a cool cloth on her forehead. "And you..." She pointed to Izzy. "...need to get back to class. I can handle it from here." She said, sternly.

Izzy shot her an annoyed look. "Fine. I'm going." She turned her attention back to Aria. "I'll call you later, okay?" She nodded. Izzy got up and slowly made her way to the door.

"Hey, Izzy?" She turned around. "Thanks." She said with a smile. "And tell Danny for me too."

She nodded. "I will. Just get better soon, okay?" She said.

"I'll try my best. Thanks again." She returned the smile, nodded then left.

Aria laid back down on the bed with the cloth on her forehead and closed her eyes.

"You have very good friends, Miss Marano." The nurse remarked. Aria opened her eyes to look at her. "They wouldn't leave, even after I told them you would be fine."

Aria smiled. "Yeah. That sounds about right. I'm lucky to have them." She nodded.

Nurse Natalie Jonas was a petite blonde with shoulder length hair and looked like she was in her early thirties. Aria had heard that she was stern but friendly and so far she had witnessed both. She also seemed genuinely concerned and even tolerated her hovering friends. It was kind of hard not to like her.

"Especially Mr Evans. " The nurse told her. Aria frowned.

"Poor boy was worried sick. He's the one that carried you till here. He wouldn't let anyone else do it."

"I didn't know." Aria said softly.

She smiled. "Well, you were unconscious so, I think you'll be forgiven for not remembering."

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