Chapter 14: Sometimes it all Gets a Little too Much

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She felt herself being roughly placed on a chair in the middle of the room. Fear kept her from moving or trying to fight back as her arms and legs were duck taped to the chair. She kept her head down and eyes closed, afraid of what she might see if she opened them as she tried to control her breathing.

What is he gonna do to me? She wondered.

"Oh my God. Aria."

Aria's head snapped up as soon as she heard her mother's voice. It was then that she saw a laptop set up on a table in front of her and Aimee's worried face on the screen.

"Mom?" She said unsurely, her voice cracking slightly.

"Oh, Tesoro." Aimee said, wiping away a few tears that had fallen. "Baby, are you okay?" She asked as she took in Aria's appearance.

"Yeah." She said as she swallowed the lump in her throat. "Mom, what's going on? How..." She let out a breath. "How am I able to see you right now?" She asked, confusion written all over her face.

Before Aimee could answer her, the door swung open and the Unsub entered the room. Aria's eyes shot to him as he walked towards her with a smug look on his face.

"Allow me to fill you in." He told her as he leaned closer, making sure that his face wasn't visible to the webcam. "I set this up, so you could say goodbye." He whispered so only she could hear.

The team watched as the Unsub leaned closer towards Aria, telling her something that they couldn't hear. Aimee tensed up as she watched Aria's eyes widen at what she was told. Aaron placed his hand on Aimee's shoulder, hoping to offer her some kind of comfort. He stayed calm for her sake, even though he felt like telling the Unsub to get the hell away from his daughter.

"Garcia, can you trace their location?" Hotch asked.

She shook her head. "I'm trying, but the signal's bouncing around. I'm doing my best here." She told him sadly.

He nodded. "Keep trying."

"Yes, Sir."

Aimee tuned out the conversation. Her focus was on Aria. She looked beyond terrified.

"I can't do that." Aria said, shaking her head.

The Unsub pulled back giving her an incredulously look. "Well, it wasn't a request." He told her as he moved to stand behind her. "So..." He grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling it so her head was tilted backwards. She winced in pain. "You either do as I say..." He paused then pulled out a knife, placing it under her chin. "Or I slit your throat right now in front of your parents. The choice is yours."

"No, no. What is he doing?" Aimee asked as she watched the Unsub place a knife against Aria's throat.

No one said anything as they studied the Unsub, trying to find something that could help them find him.

"He's just trying to scare her into doing what he wants. He won't hurt her." Aaron told her.

"He won't hurt her? He already has, Aaron!" She said referring to the gash on her forehead and bruised cheekbone. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "What does he want from her?" She asked.

"He wants her to say goodbye. That's why he set this whole thing up." He said with a sigh.

She felt the knife cut into her skin as she delayed her answer.

"What's it gonna be?" He asked as he applied more pressure against the knife.

She winced as she felt the sting. "I'll do whatever you want. Just please stop." She pleaded.

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