Chapter 25: Such a Burden, This Flame on my Chest

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Two days later

Aaron still wasn't sure whether or not he was doing the right thing as he made his way through the busy hospital corridor, gripping tightly onto Jack's hand. He saw Aimee leave Aria's room as they rounded the corner.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she saw them approach her.

Aaron knew that she was still slightly pissed off at him for Aria getting injured again after he promised her that their daughter would be safe at the funeral.

He looked at Jack before he answered. "We're here to see Aria." He told her. "Can you say hi to Aimee, buddy?"

"Hi, Doctor Aimee." He greeted shyly.

Aimee shot Aaron an unimpressed look before she smiled down at Jack.

"Hello Sweetheart." She said then looked back at Aaron. "Is that really a good idea right now?" She asked him softly.

Aria had been quiet and distant, refusing to see anyone besides her parents. They couldn't blame her though. She'd been through a lot the past week and was still in quite a bit of pain even though she refused to admit it.

"I think it will do her some good to see him. He knows that she's hurt and he wants to see her too." Aaron told her.

Aimee sighed then bent down so she was eye level with Jack. "What have you got there?" She asked him as she noticed he was holding a sheet of paper.

"A picture. I drawed it for Aria." He told her as he handed the drawing to her.

"It's drew, buddy." Aaron corrected.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Do you think she'll like it?" He asked Aimee.

Aimee bit the inside of her cheek as she felt tears burning in the back of her eyes. She gave him a slight smile as she stared at him, wondering why she never noticed the resemblance between him and Aria until now. "I think she'll love it." She told him, and then handed the sheet back to him.

She glanced at Aaron before she turned her attention back to Jack. "You know how your dad told you that Aria was hurt, right?"

He nodded. "He said a bad man hurt her."

"That's right. So, she might look a little different to when you last saw her. And it might seem a little scary to see her like that but she's going to be okay. She just needs time to rest so she can get better." She explained to him. "Are you sure you still want to see her?"

He looked at her then nodded. "I wanna see my sister." He told her confidently. "Please." He added politely.

Aimee stared at him with widened eyes then glanced up at Aaron. "You told him." She stated.

Aaron nodded. "He deserved to know."

She bit the inside of her cheek as she turned her attention back to Jack. "Okay. Just give me a minute." She told him as she lightly cupped his cheek then stood up, made her way to Aria's room.

She knocked lightly before she entered. Aria was laying on her side, with her back to the door. "Aria, baby. Are you still awake?" She asked softly as she closed the door behind her.

Aria sighed. "Yeah." She whispered, not making a move to turn around. "Why?"

"Well..." She said as she moved closer. "There's someone outside who's very eager to see you."

Aria groaned. "Mom, I told you. I don't want any visitors right now."

"I know but I think you'll make an exception for this one." She said knowingly.

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