Chapter 11: Would you Still Love me the Same?

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One week later

Things had been fairly quiet after the last case ended, much to everyone's relief, Aaron's especially. He'd been worried that he might miss Jack's next soccer game, because the case had dragged on longer than he expected. If all went well, they wouldn't be called away until the following week. For now, everyone was stuck on paperwork duty.

There was a light knock on the door. "Hey." Dave greeted. "Everything still okay for tomorrow?" He asked, referring to Jack's soccer game.

"Yeah." Aaron nodded. "You sure you don't want to sleep in tomorrow morning instead? Game starts at 9 but we have to be there at 8 to set up."

"As tempting as that sounds, I'd rather help out instead." He said as he sat down in the chair opposite Aaron's desk. "Aria still meeting you there?" He asked.

"Yes, she is." He paused. "Aimee too." He added.

Dave raised his eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that. It was Aria's idea. She said it would be easier to explain to Jack that she was the daughter of an old friend of mine if that friend was actually there." He reasoned.

Dave smirked. "And is that all she is to you? A friend?"

He sat up straighter and dropped his pen. "Jesus, Rossi! Of course, she is! She's also my daughters' mother. Why would you even ask me that?"

He shrugged. "Well, you're single. You share a beautiful daughter, so she must be an attractive women cause Aria definitely did not get her looks from you... " He joked.

"...She's also engaged to be married, Dave. To another man. A man who I've actually met." He said. "Besides, you know me better than that. I would never interfere in someone else's relationship." He said sincerely.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure." He said as he folded his arms in front of him and sat back.

Aaron glared at him. "You are a terrible person."

Dave laughed. "So..." He drawled out. "How do you feel about your two kids finally meeting each other?" He enquired.

Aaron raised his eyebrow. "Now you sound like a shrink."

"And you're avoiding."

"It's kind of a loaded question, Dave." He sighed. "I mean, we both agreed on not telling Jack right away that she's his sister but what if that makes it worse when I do eventually tell him?"

He got up from his seat and started pacing.

"I'm doing the right thing, aren't I? I mean, they deserve the chance to get to know each other." He sighed. "But what if it doesn't go well? What if they don't get along?"

Dave listened intently as Aaron voiced his concerns. He wasn't used to seeing his Unit Chief so nervous. "I think those are all valid questions."

Aaron stopped pacing. "That's it? That's all you have to say?"

"You can't possibly know which decision would have the best outcome, Aaron." Dave reasoned. "You need to stop overthinking it."

"You're right." Aaron admitted. "I'm still gonna worry about it though."

Dave nodded. "I know. Just wait and see how tomorrow goes and work from there. I'm sure it'll be fine." He stood up. "Come on. I'll buy you a drink. You need to relax."

Aria sat crossed legged on her bed while typing furiously on her laptop. She was starting to regret ever volunteering to help organize the showcase which was happening in about two months. If we're lucky, she thought. She drummed her fingers against the keyboard, choosing to focus on the beat of the Sam Smith song she was listening to. She read through the rough draft of the show's programme, rearranging the different performances. This would've been so much easier if people actually listened, she thought.

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