Chapter 19: I Will try to fix you

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He startled awake, not knowing for a minute where he was.

"Aaron. It's okay. You're in the hospital."

He looked to his left where Rossi stood, worry evident on his face.

"Aaron, you need to calm down." Dave told him as the ringing got louder. "Deep breaths. In and out." He instructed. "There we go." He said once Hotch's heart rate slowed down.

Hotch blinked a few times, trying to clear the fuzziness he felt. He had a headache that rivaled the worst hangover he ever had. "What..." He swallowed. Dave handed him a cup of water and he took a few sips then cleared his throat. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Rossi asked.

Hotch frowned. "I, uhm..." He paused as he tried to think back. "Aria." He remembered. "Oh God, Dave." He gasped out, as the pieces started falling into place.

Rossi nodded sadly. "I know, Aaron. I'm so sorry."

Hotch fell back against the bed and closed his eyes to keep the tears at bay. "I was too late. Again. I failed her. Just like I failed Haley." He said with regret.


"I let her down, Dave. My little girl. Now she's gone."

Rossi frowned. "Aaron, Aria's not dead. She's in surgery right now."

Hotch looked confused. "No, she died. I was there. She coded."

"Yes, she coded. But they got her back." He explained. "She didn't die, Aaron. You weren't too late."

"I don't understand." He shook his head then groaned.

"Yeah. You probably shouldn't do that. You have a concussion." Dave told him. "Aaron, look at me. Aria is not dead."

"So, it was just a dream. She really is alive?" Dave nodded. "Why don't I remember that?" He asked.

"You collapsed before the medics managed to get her heart beating again. I guess the stress of almost losing Aria and your head injury contributed to that. Not to mention that the gash in the back of your head needed 10 stitches to close."

Hotch frowned then touched the back of his head, wincing slightly as his fingers made contact with the stitches.

"And Myers?"

Dave sighed. "He got away, Aaron. There was a hidden tunnel not shown on the blueprints."

"Damn it!" He muttered furiously.

"Morgan and Prentiss found blood though. So, we know that he's injured. CSU is still processing the scene."

"So, at least one of my bullets hit him."

Dave nodded. "He'll need medical attention sooner or later. We have officers canvassing all hospitals, medical facilities and pharmacies in the surrounding area."

"I don't want him to get anywhere near her, Dave."

"There are agents placed outside the OR and officers guarding all exits." Rossi assured him.

"What else happened?"

"Well, a second ambulance was dispatched after the first set of medics were re-routed to Stephany Dawson. That's why it took so long for them to get to where we were. Turns out she was in pretty bad shape. Worse off than Aria was."

"How is she?"

"Still in surgery last I checked. Doctors were surprised she was still alive after what she went through."

"So, they're both still in surgery?"

Rossi nodded. "For the past couple hours. Both lost quite a bit of blood so we all got tested and donated." He said holding up his arm so Hotch could see.

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