Chapter 3: I Wish That This all Could end

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The Arizona case had been a bad one. They had spent nearly five days trying to catch the unsub. Six dead girls between the ages of fifteen and nineteen, abducted, tortured and then killed. Why? Because some psychopath thought killing teenage girls resembling his own daughter would be a good way to punish her for taking her own life.

They had been too late to save the last girl. Aaron had gotten to her first. She was still alive when they found her but she had lost too much blood. She died before the medics could get to her.

Even though they had caught the Unsub, the team still felt as if they had failed. If only they had gotten there sooner... That was what they were all thinking as they quietly boarded the jet and took up their usual seats. Each profiler was lost in their own little world, trying to block out their recent case.

Soon they had all drifted off to sleep, except Hotch. The case hit too close to home for him. Pretty brunette teenage girls. Throughout the case, all he could think about was Aria. That could've been her, he thought. He wanted to call her, make sure that she was okay and that she was safe. But he couldn't risk the team finding out. At least not yet.

They had noticed he was a bit different on this particular case but shrugged it off. With the last victim practically dying in his arms, they figured he just needed some time to work through it.

A few hours later, the team was back at Quantico, working on some last minute paperwork before heading home to rest. The last case had been exhausting and it wasn't long until they said their goodbyes one by one and left.

Just as Rossi was about to leave, he noticed that Hotch's office light was still on. He made his way over there to check on the unit chief. He knocked softly before opening the door.

Hotch was staring blankly at an open case file, leaning his elbow against the desk with one hand on his forehead. Rossi could tell he was distracted because he never even noticed Rossi was there until he spoke.

"Everything okay, Aaron?" He asked quietly. Hotch looked up from his desk.

"Yeah. Fine." He said then looked back at the folder in front of him. Rossi didn't believe him.

"You know the last victim dying wasn't your fault, right? We did everything we could to try and save her."

Aaron took a deep breath then released it. He dropped the folder then looked up at Rossi.

"I know." He sighed. "It doesn't make it any easier though." Dave gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Get some rest Aaron. Paperwork will still be there in the morning."

"Yeah, you're right." He rubbed a hand over his tired face. "I just have to finish this up then I'll head home."

"Alright. Don't stay too late." Aaron nodded. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Rossi headed towards the door. "Hey Dave?" He turned around. "Thanks." Dave nodded.

"Anytime." He said with a smile, then left.

With Rossi gone, Hotch pulled out his cellphone and scrolled to Aria's contact. He stared at it for a while, contemplating whether or not he should call her. Just for his own peace of mind. He'd feel a lot better if he heard her voice. It would assure him that she really was okay.

He glanced at his watch: 21:40pm. There was a good chance that she was already in bed sleeping, since it was a school night. What time do teenagers go sleep on a school night anyway? He wondered.

21:42pm. Guess only one way to find out.

He hit the call button then waited.

It rang 3 times before she answered.

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