Chapter 20: Where did I go Wrong?

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Izzy and Danny hadn't been able to visit Aria but Aimee had managed to let them see her for a few minutes through the glass doors. It wasn't the same but at least they got to see for themselves that she was okay and it put them at ease for a little while. They willing left the hospital with their parents and Aimee promised them that they'd be able to visit Aria once she was moved out of the ICU.

Aaron was discharged a day later. He spent whatever time he could at Aria's bedside, hoping and praying that she would wake up soon. He only went home to shower, change and spend some time with his son, whom he hadn't seen in a few days.

"How has he been?" He asked Jessica, once he got home.

"Quiet." She answered. "How's Aria?"

Hotch sighed. "She's stable but still unconscious. The doctors aren't sure when she'll wake up and it's already been almost two days."

"And how are you?" She asked.

He shrugged. "I'm fine, Jess."

"Right." She said unconvincingly. "Jack's in his room." She said then walked to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.

He nodded. "Thank you for staying with him." He said sincerely.

She turned around and leaned against the kitchen counter. "He's my nephew, Aaron. I'll always be there for him."

"I know. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for him. For us."

She nodded. "You're family, Aaron." She replied simply. "And as your family, I say this with love but you look like crap." She told him, referring to the bags under his eyes and the bruises on his face. "And I don't care how much you say you're fine because I know you're not. I mean, how can you be after everything that's happened?"

"Jess..." He started but stopped when Jack came out of his room. "Hey, buddy."

Jack's smile faded and his bottom lip quivered when he took in his father's appearance.

"Hey, no. Don't cry, Jack." He said as he moved closer to his son. "It's okay. I'm okay." He promised as he pulled Jack in for a hug.

"What hap...happened?" He croaked out as the tears fell.

"I just go into some trouble on my last case, but I don't want you to worry, okay? I'm alright. I promise." He said as he wiped away his son's tears.

Jack nodded but still didn't look convinced.

"Hey. I don't have to go into work until later so why don't we hang out today. Just you and me. What do you say?"

"What about school?" He asked.

"I think it would be fine if you missed a day. I'll give your teacher a call to explain."

Jack nodded again. "Okay."

"Alright. You go pick out some books, games and movies and then we'll decide what to do. I just need to take a quick shower."

"Okay, Daddy." Jack agreed then ran back to his room.

"Are you going to tell him about Aria?" Jessica asked.

Aaron sighed. "I guess I eventually have to. He'll probably ask about her and I don't want to lie to him. He's so young though. I'm worried he might not understand it all."

"I think you're not given him enough credit. Yes, he's young but he's a smart kid. He knows something's up."

Aaron frowned. "Has he said anything to you?"

"No but when he woke up this morning he said he wasn't feeling well. So, I checked his temperature and it was normal. There's nothing physically wrong with him. I think he just wanted to stay home in case you came back."

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