Chapter 23: I'm Barely Hanging on

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Aria looked around the empty hospital room. It was quiet, except for the incessant beeping of the machines. She couldn't stay there any longer. The walls felt like they were closing in on her. She needed to get out and breathe in fresh air.

Without a second thought, she slowly swung her legs over to the side of the bed. Just as she was about to stand up to take her first step, Aimee came walking in.

Surprised by the unexpected entrance, Aria lost her balance, almost toppling to the floor. "Whoa, easy there, sweetheart." Aimee said as she slipped an arm around Aria's waist to keep her upright. "Where are you going? You shouldn't be out of bed." She said as she felt Aria lean heavily against her.

"I can't. I need to go."

"Go where, baby? The bathroom?" Aimee asked as she settled Aria back down on the bed.

Aria shook her head. "No. I need to get out of here, Mom. I need fresh air. I can't breathe in here." She said, feeling slightly panicked. She couldn't understand where this feeling of suffocation suddenly came from. She was fine a few minutes ago.

"Baby..." Aimee sighed. She didn't like the idea of Aria being outside just yet.

"Mama, please." She begged, on the verge of tears.

Aimee's heart clenched in her chest as she took in her daughter's panicked expression. "Okay. Just keep focusing on your breathing, alright? You're okay." She said then pressed the call button. One of the nurses popped in almost immediately.

"Everything okay, Dr Marano?" She asked.

"Can I get a wheelchair in here please?" She asked as she rubbed Aria's back gently.

The nurse nodded. "Of course. Do you want me to page Dr Grey?"

Aimee shook her head. "No, I just need the wheelchair."

The nurse nodded again then left, returning a minute later with the wheelchair. "Do you need anything else, Doctor?"

"No, that's all. Thank you, Jane." She said as she gently moved Aria from the bed to the wheelchair. "I'm just taking Aria to the balcony garden in case anyone's looking for us."

Nurse Jane nodded her understanding then left the room.

Aimee made sure Aria was settled properly before she wheeled her out of the room. "Hang in there, Tesoro. We'll get you that fresh air soon." She said then placed a kiss to Aria's temple.

They returned half an hour later, as Aria struggled to keep her eyes open and Aimee didn't want her to fall asleep in the wheelchair.

"You feeling any better?" Aimee asked once she got Aria settled back into bed.

Aria nodded. "Yeah. Sorry I freaked out earlier." She apologised.

Aimee shook her head. "You don't have to apologise. You've been stuck here in the hospital for almost a week. I don't blame you for wanting to get out for a while." She said then sat down next to Aria who gave a slight nod. "So, what else is bothering you?" She asked her daughter.

Aria shrugged. "It's nothing, I just..." She paused. "Do you think I might need to go back on my meds?" She asked.

Aimee frowned. "Your anti-anxiety medication?" Aria nodded. "Why are you asking?"

"I had an anxiety attack yesterday, Mom. You saw that happen. I also had one right after I finished my statement. Agent Jareau managed to calm me down before it got too bad but..." She sighed. "I used to be able to calm myself down before it got that far and I've been doing so well without my meds for the past couple years. You know how hard it was for me to get to that point. Now it just feels like it was all for nothing."

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