Chapter 24: If I die Young

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The outside scenery passed by in a blur as they drove towards the cemetery. Despite the somber atmosphere and sadness in the air, it was an exceptionally beautiful day.

Aaron glanced to his right at Aria sitting in the passenger seat. She was dressed in a simple long-sleeved black dress, her wavy hair pulled into a side braid. The fading bruises on her face and neck meticulously covered with concealer and light make-up but the cuts on her cheek, lip and forehead were still visible.

She sat quietly as she stared out of the window, fiddling with the bandage wrapped around her palm.

"It's not too late to change your mind." Aaron told her softly before he turned his gaze back onto the road.

She shook her head slightly. "I'm good."

He nodded. "Is that bothering you?" He asked, motioning to her hand.

"Just a little itchy." She answered.

They drove for a few more minutes before pulling into the parking area. Aria undid her seatbelt before her hand moved towards the door handle.

"Wait a minute." Aaron told her as he gently grabbed her arm. "You remember what we talked about, right?" He asked her.

She nodded. "I need to stay in your line of sight at all times. No wandering off on my own."

"And...?" He prompted.

She sighed. "If I experience any major pain or dizziness, I need to tell you immediately." She repeated the rehearsed line. It was one of the conditions that was set for her before she could leave the hospital.

"Can we go now?" She asked impatiently.

Aaron nodded then stepped out and made his way around the SUV towards Aria, who had already gotten out and closed the door behind her. She hesitated slightly, then took a deep breath to help calm her nerves. She noticed another dark SUV pull up behind them before agents Prentiss and Morgan stepped out.

"You ready?" Aaron asked her.

She scanned the crowd gathered around the grave site then turned back towards him.

"Yeah." She nodded then walked ahead of him to stand next to a tree behind the back row of people. From her position, she could see where the Dawson family were sitting as well as the photo of Stephany displayed next to her casket. Aria swallowed the lump in her throat.

Maybe this was a bad idea. What was I thinking? She thought as she wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Aria?" She heard a familiar voice call out. Glancing to her right, she saw her best friend walking towards her with a surprised look on his face.

"Hey. I wasn't expecting to see you here." She said with a small smile.

Danny was wearing black dress pants and shirt. His sandy blonde hair was neatly flicked to the side.

"Well, I was thinking the same thing about you." He said before he pulled her into a light hug. "It's good to see you on your feet again." He said as he released her. "You're looking better."

She nodded. "Thanks."

"I'm surprised they released you from the hospital already." He told her.

"Technically, I haven't been discharged yet. I have to go back after..." She trailed off.

He nodded in understanding. "Are you okay to be out here?" He asked, referring to the fact that haven't caught the unsub yet.

"Yeah. I came prepared." She motioned behind her, Danny's eyes following until they landed on the agents spread out. "I don't just have a bodyguard; I have a body squad." She said deadpanned then winced after she inhaled too deeply.

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