Chapter 26: Epilogue: Part One

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Two weeks later

Aria made her way into the tall building for the first time in months. A feeling of de ja vu hit her as she stepped on the elevator and fidgeted with the visitor ID around her neck. Her left arm was in a sling, as she had just started with physical therapy to strengthen the damaged muscles in her arm that was caused by the deep cuts she sustained. The fading bruises on her face were less noticeable. Her injured ribs, however, were taking longer to heal.

The elevator dinged before the doors opened onto the sixth floor. She took a deep breath before she stepped off then walked towards the glass doors.


She turned towards the familiar voice then smiled. "Agent Jareau." She greeted. "JJ." She corrected. "Hi."

JJ grinned at the correction. "Hey. It's good to see you." She said as she gave Aria a quick side hug.

"You too." She said, returning the hug. Out of all the team members, JJ was the one she had formed an almost immediate bond with.

"You here to see your dad?"

Aria nodded. "Is he in his office?"

JJ grimaced. "He isn't, unfortunately. He's been in and out of meetings since this morning." She explained as they made their way through the glass doors.

"Oh." She sighed, "I probably should've called first." She said, unsure of what she wanted to do next.

"You're welcome to hang out here till he gets back." JJ said when she noticed the look of disappointment on Aria's face. "We're off rotation for the week so everyone's just catching up on paperwork."

Aria bit her lip. "You sure it's okay?"

JJ nodded. "Absolutely." She assured her as they entered the bullpen. "Hey, look who I found." She called out to Reid, Prentiss and Morgan who sat working at their desks.

The agents turned towards her with smiles on their faces as they said hello.

Aria shot them a nervous smile. She had gotten to know each of them briefly while she was still recovering. They would take turns popping in to check up on her or keep her company while her parents were busy. But seeing all of them together made her a little anxious.

"Hi." She greeted with a small wave. "Hope I'm not interrupting,"

"No, not at all." Emily told her with a smile as she turned in her seat so she was facing Aria.

"I need a break anyway. I'm seeing double." Morgan said as he leaned back in his chair and closed the file he was working on.

Maybe you need glasses." Reid told him with a smirk.

Morgan balled up a piece of paper and tossed it at Reid who managed to dodge it.

Aria smiled at the banter between the two guys as they bickered.

JJ rolled her eyes. "Children." She shook her head then pulled out her chair and motioned for Aria to sit down.

Emily laughed. "So, how are you doing?" She asked as she turned her focus towards Aria.

"I'm okay." Aria replied with a shrugged. "I'd be a lot better once this thing is off." She said referring to the sling.

"How's PT going?" Morgan asked once he and Reid had settled down.

She blew out a breath. "Brutal." She replied honestly. "I can barely feel my arm after a session."

Morgan winced in sympathy. "It'll get better, Kid."

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