Part 11

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(Y/N POV )

Later I finished my work, and I saw that Jungkook was still busy.  ¨¨Who are you making your story for?¨", I asked him. ¨For myself¨ , He said. ¨What?¨, I asked. ¨You heard me¨ , He said. ¨Um okay¨ , i thought. Later I also saw that he was ready. He got up and walked away without saying a word. I also ran away but then to the classroom. To show my assignment to the teacher.The teacher looked at it and then at me. ¨Well done y/n¨ , The teacher said and smiled , I smiled back. ¨But y/n where is Jungkook?¨ , the teacher asked. ¨Jungkook um I thought he was walking to the classroom?¨ , I said. ¨You don't know where he is?¨ , the teacher asked. ¨No ma'am¨, I said. ¨Do you want to find him? because I need to see his story too¨ , said the teacher. Okay ma'am¨, I said and walked out of the classroom. I sighed and talked to myself. Why does he have to be gone again? I looked around the halls and I didn't see a student so everyone must be done with the assignment. I looked further into the classrooms And I saw a classroom with a door open. I stopped and looked inside I looked around but saw no one. I sighed and then I heard something from the classroom. I thought for a moment and then walked in. I looked around and saw someone on the ground. ¨Jungkook? what is it?¨ , I asked. Jungkook said nothing and got up and walked past me. ¨How nice.. but not really¨ , I said. 

I arrived in class and saw Jungkook sitting in class too. I looked at him and sat down next to Jimin. Everyone sat down because the teacher wanted to say something. ¨ Guys, We are going to camp with this class next week!. ¨ , the teacher said happily. All students reacted happy except me . I hate camp. Jimin looked at me. ¨Y/N did you hear that??¨ Jimin said happily. ¨Yup we're going to camp¨, I said. ¨Aren't you happy?¨ , Jimin asked. ¨Well, a little.. , I said. ¨Do you find it scary?¨ , Jimin asked. ¨No, I just don't like it very much¨, I said. ¨Don't worry you're going to like it! , Me and the boys are going to make it fun for you!¨ , Jimin said. I smiled at him. The bell rang and the teacher called out some more. ¨You guys will get a letter about this tomorrow!¨, the teacher said. Everyone nodded and walked out of the room to the cafeteria. I walked with the boys to the table and sat down. Yoongi sat down next to me. ¨So guys that camp.. what do you think?¨ , Taehyung asked. ¨Nice!¨ Jimin said. ¨Yoongi?¨ , Taehyung asked. ¨Oh yes nice¨, Yoongi said. ¨By the way y/n what do you do after school?¨ , Yoongi asked. ¨I? um I just don't think much¨ , I said. ¨Come with us¨, Yoongi said. ¨What about Yuri and Yuji?¨ , I asked. ¨ Y/n they are sick¨ , Jimin said. ¨Oh oh yes¨ , I said. ¨So you're coming with us?¨ , Yoongi asked. ¨Oh yeah okay. What do the others think?¨ , I asked. ¨You are always welcome with us y/n!¨ , Jin said. ¨Yup Jin is right!¨ Hoseok said.

((Time skip school bell rang)

¨Y/N what class do you have?¨ , Namjoon asked. ¨I have dances¨ , I said. ¨Oh shit I don't I have math.. and you guys¨ , Namjoon asked. ¨I also have maths , Jimin, Taehyung and Jin said. ¨And you?¨ , Namjoon asked and pointed to the other. ¨Nope, I have sports¨, Yoongi said. ¨Me too¨ , Hoseok said. ¨Jungkook?¨ , Namjoon asked. Dancing¨ , Jungkook said. ¨ Nice walk with y / n to dance. and keep an eye on her!¨ , Namjoon said and walked away, the other boys also walked away except Jungkook. ¨Walk along ¨ , Jungkook said. Me and Jungkook walked to the dance hall together. I went into the girls' locker room and Jungkook the boys' locker room. I changed into my dance outfit.

(Y/N Dance outfit)

(Y/N Dance outfit)

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