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1. Debunked 1

In the first class cabin on the plane to Australia, Lu Yun closed her eyes and planned to take a nap.

In a daze, she came to a small farmyard. The familiar furnishings and familiar scenes let her know that she was dreaming again.

This time, the scene in my dream was the day when my mother and Uncle Lu got married.

Even if she couldn't hear the horns and suonas, she couldn't hear the well-meaning laughter of the people around her. But she can still clearly feel the strong festive smell that permeates all around from the big red happy words that are posted everywhere and the smiling faces of almost everyone.

She watched Uncle Lu jump out of the tractor with a big red ribbon with a smile on her heart.

He was wearing a brand-new white shirt with a small red flower pinned to his chest, and the smile on his face was so radiant.

Standing in front of his mother, he handed him a bouquet of red and beautiful mountain flowers. He looked at her mother's eyes full of joy and expectation.

Mom took the bouquet shyly and lowered her head with a smile, revealing a neck with graceful lines. Lu Yun saw with sharp eyes that Uncle Lu's Adam's apple moved, as if she could hear him quietly swallowing.

Her mother's lowered face was full of brilliance, and Lu Yun squatted on the ground and looked up at her eyes.

The shy smile in her eyes can't deceive anyone, and anyone who sees it can really feel the joy from the bottom of her heart.

Lu Yun had never seen her mother smile like this in her memory.

She opened her eyes and looked greedily at her mother and Uncle Lu who were still young.

"May Qin Se be in control and the years will be peaceful." I really wish they could continue to be so happy and happy forever.


just like every time, she could only watch the little girl come out of the corner.

She rushed over with despair in her eyes, and she screamed with all her might, even though no one could hear her voice at all, she still did not give up shouting.

"Why, why do you have to show up every time? Can't you make your mother and Uncle Lu happily hold the wedding once? Just once, even in a dream..."

She stretched out her hand frantically, trying to push the little girl away, again and again, but the little girl couldn't see her at all, and she was destined to have no way to touch the little girl.

She didn't give up, she even used her whole body to smash her hard. At this time, she only had one thought in her heart, crazy and firm, stop her, stop her, definitely stop her...

However, she was still shaken at all. Not the slightest bit of that little girl.

She could only watch her body pierce through the little girl again and again.

She could only watch helplessly as the little girl, full of hatred, walked to her mother and Uncle Lu step by step as usual.

In the end, she could only watch helplessly as the little girl looked at her mother and Uncle Lu with hatred on her face. Then suddenly raised her hand, raised her neck and poured the water from a small medicine bottle hidden in her palm into her mouth...

"Don't drink it."

Lu Yun finally couldn't help but collapse. Weeping bitterly.

"Fool, that's real rat poison, that's not grass grey water... Fool... Lu Yun, you know, you killed Mom and Uncle Lu because you were so easy to deceive , so they all died in the end, let the relatives hurt the enemy quickly..."

Lu Yun roared at the six-year-old girl in mid-air.

It's useless, this time the ending is the same as every time.

She squatted down and buried her head in her legs and whimpered - she didn't dare to look up to see the horrified expressions of her mother and Uncle Lu, to look at their pale faces for a moment, and even less to look into their eyes, that lamp The light of hope that has been extinguished forever...

why? They told you not to drink, why do you still drink?

She hates it so much, she hates that little girl, she hates her stupidity, she hates her ignorance, she hates her for not believing in her own mother and prefers to obey and believe in a vicious old woman...

even that little girl In fact, it was herself. Yes, she actually hated herself all the time, hating her naive to stupid self at the age of six.


"Doctor Lin, you save Xiao Yun, she, woo woo..."

Xia Yuan carried her daughter Su Yun all the way to the village clinic, panic-stricken and couldn't help crying.

The face of Lu Aiguo who followed her was also not much better. And on the faces of the large group of villagers who followed behind, the festive smiles on everyone's faces had long since disappeared.

"Put the child flat on the bench."

Dr. Lin saw the child in Xia Yuan's arms, just glanced at the symptoms, what else could he not understand? Almost every year, he receives several people who commit suicide by drinking drugs because they can't think about it.

But the sight in front of him...he suddenly felt a shudder in his heart.

Xia Yuan carefully placed her daughter on the extra large bench in the bathroom.

Lu Aiguo silently handed a small bottle to Dr. Lin with a little residual medicinal liquid in it. Dr. Lin put the bottle under his nose and smelled it. He lightly dipped a tiny bit of the liquid with his fingers and put it on his tongue to taste it and then spit it out.

"This is rat poison. Although it should be mixed with water, the child is too young. I can only give her emergency measures and induce vomiting. But I can't guarantee that it will be fine. After all, rat poison is highly toxic. You can find it. Order mung bean and boil it into soup, wait for me to induce her vomiting and then pour it down, and then send it to the hospital in the village immediately, don't delay."

He pondered for a while, and immediately changed his words, "It's too slow to cook mung bean soup now, just get the mung bean. It's the same thing if it's powdered and poured into her with water, you have to do it as quickly as possible." As Dr. Lin said, he called over the nurse who was driving the crowd around the small bathroom.

"There are too many people, so go out, go quickly, don't interfere with Dr. Lin's rescue." The nurse actually said this again, and after waving her hands twice to drive people away, she hurried to Dr. Lin. helped.

The two quickly separated and got busy.

The clinic in the village is indeed too small, so most of the people left obediently and stayed around outside to keep an eye on the news inside.

Soon, apart from Xia Yuan and Lu Aiguo, there were only two women and one young man left in the bathroom. The two women are Lu Hongzhen, Lu Aiguo's cousin, and Aunt Tian, ​​who is Xia Yuan's neighbor. That young man's name was Wu Tan, Lu Aiguo's iron buddy.

"But our house doesn't seem to have any green beans anymore..." Xia Yuan suddenly collapsed to the ground as if she had collapsed. Lu Aiguo quickly pulled her up and let her lean on him, afraid that she would fall again, so he stretched out his arms to hug her.

"I'll get it from my house. I'll grind it into powder for you, rinse it with water, and bring it back. Don't worry, the child will be fine."

Aunt Tian, ​​Xia Yuan's neighbor, turned her head and left.

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