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361. Bad Intentions

    In the blink of an eye, the stone took the corpses of those clearly characteristic of the Daer and apparently their masters into his space stone. At the same time, his hand moved, and a space stone that was stranded outside was also caught by him.

It is also a space stone, and the two cannot accommodate each other. However, Lu Yun's space has no such restrictions.

After entering the space and taking off the protective clothing, the stone showed Lu Yun the space stone, "This is from the former owner of the spaceship."

After the spiritual mark in the space stone disappeared, it became an unowned thing. The contents inside can be viewed by anyone with psychic power. Lu Yun took out all the things in the space stone. There were not many things. In addition to a sea water converter, a therapeutic apparatus, a small amount of food and water, and a dozen sets of daily clothes and jewelry, there was also a 3D projector. instrument, a small metal box, and a black and gold card.

Stone picked up the projector and pressed the switch, and the image of a woman appeared.

Lu Yun and Shitou recognized at the same time that the woman was indeed the one they identified as the owner of the Da'er tribe, one of the thirty-one corpses that fell out of the submarine.

In the projection, the woman was only about thirty years old. Her eyes were filled with vicissitudes and exhaustion that did not match her appearance.

"I can feel that this time may really be impossible to escape. The last time I was able to take more than a hundred Daer people to escape the disaster by virtue of the ring space, but when I arrived in this strange galaxy, it seemed that I had all my good luck used up.

First, the space suddenly lost its energy and could no longer enter. The connection between me and the grass and trees in the ring space was completely disconnected. All living species can no longer enter. Among them, the space suddenly changed from a vast life space to an ordinary storage.

The change from the ring space made me feel scared, as if it was a warning, and made me eager to leave this planet, This galaxy, unfortunately the spacecraft has malfunctioned and we have to stay.

Fortunately, after scanning, the ore on this planet is barely enough for us to repair the spacecraft..." The woman laughed and paused, the smile was extremely bitter. It took her a long time to control her emotions, Continue to speak.

"The process of finding ore has been going smoothly. This is the last trip. As long as we can get back to the spaceship, we can leave here in less than a month. Unfortunately...maybe we have no chance. , Fortunately, there were enough medicines left in the rest of the Da'er people. If they could use it sparingly, it would still be enough for two or three hundred years... Two or three hundred years, seeing that we have not gone back, Maybe they can guess that we have encountered an accident, right? Hope they can leave in time to find a new place to live on land and continue the race. The woman in the projection lowered her head and stroked her left middle finger with a complicated expression. Lu Yun and Shitou looked closely and saw that there was a circle of light marks on the woman's left middle finger, which was left by wearing a ring for a long time.

"This time, the ring space has been lost more completely. I had been wearing it on my finger and I couldn't pull it out. The ring space that had been with me for more than three hundred years was lost without knowing it . Completely, completely left me, without even saying goodbye.

But even if the space leaves, maybe it has spirituality itself, and maybe it can find its new owner - after all, it is a life space as large as an entire planet. It's better than being trapped at the bottom of the sea with me. Maybe that way, the grass and wood people in the ring space can still have a ray of hope for survival, and I don't know how they are now? The woman sighed and closed her eyes for a while before opening them. When she opened them, her eyes were full of water. "After talking for so long, I haven't said who I am yet." What's the point of saying that at this point? This galaxy, this planet is still in primitive civilization, it is located in a remote location, and even the most basic first-level civilization of the universe has not yet entered, let alone someone who can cultivate spiritual power and recognize that this is a space stone..."

The woman smiled bitterly, "So, I originally hoped that the person who saw this video could help the servants I stayed near the spaceship, which is unlikely. I don't know about my universe . How many years will it take before the ship and this submarine are finally discovered and who will be the winners. But at that time, my bones should be turned into fly ashes, and the ships and submarines I leave behind will become It's an old antique...

So, if someone can get this space stone, it's enough to know that their former owner is called Helin, from the Yaman Empire of the Pudanyi system.

The person who got the space stone also doesn't know what to do . Lucky or unfortunate, that card is a bearer card belonging to the Cosmos Bank, with about 2 billion Cosmos Credits in it.

The box contains all the private assets in my name, including two family-known and other Two private planets that even the family does not know. But unfortunately, it requires a key and a password to open it.

With current technology, no one can force it to break it without these two. The password is... &%...I can't do anything about the key, because it is stored in my original ring space, in the dark compartment of the castle study, unless someone can get my ring space at the same time, otherwise The possibility of turning it on is really unlikely." The woman suddenly raised her head and laughed frantically, but that smile made Shishi and Lu Yun feel chills all over their bodies, because both of them felt a strong feeling from that smile. Schadenfreude and... malice...

images come to an abrupt end.

Lu Yun and Shitou glanced at each other, and Lu Yun frowned, "I don't like this woman at all. If at first I thought she would be worried about the people of the Caomu and Daer tribes, I still have a little fondness for her. In the end, when I see her like this, I think she has bad intentions."

"It's not that she has bad intentions."

Shishi looked at the 3D projector with deep disgust on his face, "If this thing didn't happen to fall into our hands and be seen by us, and the space happened to be obtained by us, what would be the consequences?"

What consequences?

What other consequences could there be, of course, temptation, and then at all costs, those who dig three feet in the ground have to find the space ring she mentioned.

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